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"Oh dear why two weeks?" Miss Amy seemed concerned.

"I'm going to Japan in a week to go get someone, I hope that isn't much of a problem."

"Oh no, no, no sweetheart! On the contrary! You work so hard nonstop, you deserve a break!"

I was grateful for this lady, she's like a mother to me.

I went to work after I talked to Miss Amy.

I heard the bell of the shop door chime.

I looked to see it was Yuri, he sat at his regular table and all the cats went up to the familiar human.

I smiled at his reaction when he picked up the cuddly creatures.

Miss Amy came in the kitchen, "Would you serve him? He's usually your customer."

I nodded and grabbed a pair of cat ears that hanged on a rack and placed them on my head.

I walked out the kitchen door, getting the attention of the cute blonde.

He smiled a bit as I went to his table, "Hello Cat boy, can I take your order?"

He pouted at his nickname, "Stop calling me that!" He whined.

I chuckled, "Just say your order."

"Kitty lava cake, pink cat strawberry mousse, and a kiss from my boyfriend."

I mumbled back the order as I wrote, "... And a ki-" I stopped. "Seriously?"

He played innocent in these moments.

I sighed but leaned in to give my cute cat boy what he ordered, I cupped his cheek and placed my lips on his.

He didn't play fair and put his arm around my neck to pull me closer.

He seemed satisfied to what he did, until I bit his lip.

"Ow! Why'd you do that, Miwo?!"

"Keep it professional Cat boy." I licked his bit lip and went into the kitchen.

Miss Amy came to me, "Oh sweetheart! You have a lover!" She celebrated. "I'll go get the camera!" That old lady ran faster than a NASCAR racecar to get her camera.

I sighed, but went to work to get my blonde cat boy his order.


"Miwo! Our flight is in one hour hurry the fuck up!" Yuri yelled from my living room.

"Calm down Cat boy! Cloud is packing too!" I yelled back.

"The hell is a cat gonna pack?!"

I look at my fluffy cat as it carried a stuffed fish toy Yuri got him a few weeks ago.

"Important things!" I said and Cloud got in his cage with his toy.

I picked up Cloud's cage and rolled my suit case behind me.

I got to the living room and my blondie was on the couch with a grumpy expression.

"Come on Yuri." I said.

"Fucking finally!" He got off the couch and rushed me out the door.

When we got to the sidewalk we hailed a cab, we quickly put our stuff in the trunk and I put Cloud on my lap once I sat down.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Airport." I said.

The driver nodded and drove.

Yuri sighed, "I'm so glad that this isn't a disaster."

"Me too." I smiled.

"Do you think Cloud likes it in his cage?"

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