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So we went out through the back door of the skating rink... And we still got caught.

"Yuri! Don't freak out!" I held his arm tightly and we were being pulled away from each other by fans.

"Miwo! Don't let go! I'll kill you if you do!" Yuri pulled out his other arm and told ahold of my arm.

"The crowd is going to take me away Yuri."

He growled, "Well if I'm not gonna see you for a while!" He put his arms around my neck and pulled me to his lips.

I was shocked, but quickly kissed back since I wouldn't be able to see my blonde for a while.

"Good luck kitty." I smiled.

"Same to you old man." He teased.

I was then pulled into the the crowd of fans, "Woah watch where you're holding! I'm not a sex doll!" I yelled at the crowd.

I was then put on the curb of a street landing on the snow.

I huffed looking at the crowd taking my blonde somewhere. "I'm not gonna see you for a while." I sighed.

I stood and shook off the snow from my clothes and hair. "I guess some shopping wouldn't hurt..." I whispered to myself and walked to the stores down the street.

One store caught my eye, it was punk and very modern. I entered and saw a girl she looked very intimidating with her dark clothes and piercings.

She looked up and greeted me with a smile, "Welcome!"

I smiled back and took off my coat, "Wow this store looks very... Unique."

The girl was happy to hear that, "Well thanks this is my store after all."

I looked at the clothes and accessories some I found cute, some were questionable.

I went to the back and found the most amazing thing... A tiger onesie.

My mind went straight to Yuri imagining the cutest thing when he wears the onesie.

I took it in my hand checking for the size and deciding whether to buy it... I ended up buying it, with a few other things.

Hours later I got a message from Yuri, he escaped the crowds of fans and is hiding in a small coffee shop. After he alerted me I went to the coffee shop he said he was in, he was in a booth with a newspaper covering his face.

I chuckled a bit and got in the small shop, the smell of the coffee beans overwhelming me.

Yuri looked up from his newspaper as I walked toward him, "Hello Cat boy."

He growled, "You're never gonna stop with that, are you?"

"Correct, anyway how were your "Angels" Yuri?"

"You mean those demons that are my fans, they're annoying."

I chuckled at his response, "Well I went shopping and I found a few things I thought you'd like."

"If it's a fucking dress I swear I will kill you."

I sweat a little, 'Technically it's a skirt right?'

I waved my hands, "No it's not that... Probably, but I think you'll like them."

He eyed me suspiciously, "Fine... But I don't want to get out there yet. Those demons are still on the lookout for me."

I put down my bags, "Well let's eat here then, we can go back after."

He nodded and called for a waiter.

We ordered our food once the waiter came along, then the waiter left with our order.

I looked at Yuri, "Yuri... About your performance for Agape... Your movements are too stiff."

He growled, "How am I supposed to relate to a song like that."

I smirked, "And how are you supposed to relate to a sexual song, hmm?"

He blushed, "S-Shut up old man!"

I laughed, "Well I do think it suits you on ice."

He looked at me confused then anger, "That song is garbage! You saying I'm garbage on ice, old man!"

I waved my hands in defense, "No no no, I'm not saying that! Calm down you're making a scene."

He looked up at the people staring, "What are all you gawking at?!" He shouted, everyone immediately lowered their heads.

I chuckled, and he looked back at me.

"Shut it old man." He growled.

I sighed in content and took his hand.

"I can't believe you're mine." I smiled.

He looked away and blushed, "Whatever, I know I'm the best."

"Of course you are."


We went out the coffee shop, checking if the coast was clear. The fans must've gave up by now, hopefully.

"Do you see anyone..." Yuri whispered.

"No you're fine."

"Great I want to get to springs already." He took my hand and we ran back to the Katsuki household.

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