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We got to the springs, everyone was having some dinner.

"Oh welcome back boys!" Mrs Katsuki greeted us.

I smiled, "Thank you, we were escaping the fans."

"I heard there was a big crowd up front... You have too many fans Yurio." Katsuki said nervously.

"But support is good!" Viktor said happily.

I nodded, "Well I'm going to go up to the room, Yuri and I already ate."

"Good night!" They dismissed us.

I went to our room and placed the bags down, Cloud walked up to me and meowed.

"Hey Cloud, were you lonely?" I pet the cat and he purred.

Yuri huffed when he entered and started to remove the winter wear he had on.

"I need to win against that pig." He growled and sat on the futon.

I let Cloud go back to his resting spot and stood up, walking to Yuri. I removed my coat and sat next to him.

"What got to you now?" I asked and let his head fall on my shoulder.

"The damn pig found his eros." He sighed.

I ran my hand gently through his blond locks.

"Hm, just because he found something, doesn't mean he's got a step forward. If you find your agape, and make it show, then you would have the advantage."

"But I can't, I don't know what my agape is." He pouted a bit.

I gently pushed he head off my shoulder. "Well think about something that makes you have unconditional love for."

I stood up and removed my shirt, "In the meantime, I'm going to get ready for bed."

He nodded with a blush, I smirked and kissed him quickly. He smiled a bit and let me go do my night routine.

When I came back he was on the futon still thinking, but he changed into what he usually wears to sleep.

I removed my pants to leave me in my boxers and went to pull on a tank top.


"Hm?" I put on the tank top.

"I think I get it, but only a little."

I walked to him and kneeled in front of him, "That's a great start, Yuri."

I took his face in my hands and kissed his forehead gently, "You're doing good."

He smiled and nodded.

I went to my side of the futon and laid down.

"I'll give you one last piece of advice, on the last time I said about my way of skating... About listening to your heart and mind. You should listen to your heart more." I turned to face him.

He nodded, "Got it."

He got closer to me and hugged me. I wrapped my arm around him, "Sleep well, we have training in the morning."

Yuri got comfortable and slept. I kissed his forehead again and went to sleep with him.

The next morning we were up and getting ready to start training the two skaters.

Currently I was helping Yuri stretch, I had his leg up to his shoulder.

"Miwo, you don't have to do this you know. I can do it myself." Yuri said wincing a bit as I pressed his leg up a bit more.

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