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In the morning I was greeted with Cloud's tail in my face and beside me was my cute Cat boy.

I reached my hand over to Yuri and caressed his face, "Yuri it's morning...wake up."

He slowly put his hand over mine and groaned, "I don't wanna get up... Five more minutes... "

Cloud woke up and jumped off me, so I scooted closer to Yuri.

"Yuri... It's morning already... I thought you came here to get your coach not sleep."

He sat up, "Ugh this is too hard..."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I know it is but you gotta start getting ready, I know you'll do better once you have breakfast."

"Mmmm.... Alright..." He smiled.

"Alright then get changed I'll see you at the table."


"Ah! Yurio! Miwo!" Viktor greeted as we entered the ice rink.

I put my stuff down and began to put on my skates.

"Ah you're skating as well Miwo?" Viktor asked.

"No just some warm ups to keep my blood flowing." I stood up after tying my laces.

Yuri was already on the ice yelling at Katsuki. I sighed and glided on the ice.

I smiled and moved along around the rink. A song played in my head, "Clair de Lune" a slowly melody is how it played.

I spun slowly and calmly, the song was so sad, but so beautiful. I went to the two Yuris and took my blonde by hand.

"What! Miwo!"

I pulled him along with me to the open space, "Follow my lead..."

I spun him calmly, he was still stiff.

"Yuri... Take a deep breath, relax yourself..."

He did as he was told and relaxed. He looked at me then slowly closed his eyes.

I smiled and placed my hands on his hips, "Just like a slow dance."

He put his hands on my neck and nodded.

I slowly skated forward, and Yuri skated backward. I stopped and spun us slowly. I let go of him and held his hand

We danced and spun around on the ice, I looked at Yuri in the eyes and he nodded.

He knew what I was telling him with my eyes, he skated back a bit and I stopped, he skated forward with a leap. I lifted him and let him down.

He got close I grabbed his leg and put it up to my thigh, he had one arm around my neck. He was breathing hard and we inched closer...

"Bravo! What a splendid couple skate!" Viktor interrupted.

I let go of Yuri and backed up a bit, "Yes, thank you."

I heard Yuri growl under his breath.

"Miwo, I must say you skate like a professional! Are you by chance a secret skater?" Viktor asked.

"No, I teach kids skating as a hobby. Now excuse me..." I skated off the ice.

Yuri looked at me a little concerned.

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up, I cupped my hands around my mouth and shout. "You can do it Cat boy!"

He blushed but then growled in embarrassment.

I smiled at my beautiful blonde. "Fight before you give up..." I whispered under my breath.

"Wow you were so great! I can't believe you aren't a pro!" Triplets went up to me.

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