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Throughout the week we tried different ways to get both of our skaters to fully connect with their songs.

We were currently at a waterfall, Yuri and Katsuki were meditating and I sat on a rock watching them. Viktor left me here after suggesting the idea of going here, just so he can get some ramen.

I huffed and checked my phone, but I guess that was a mistake. I was sent a video by miss Amy, I opened to see the skate I did with Yuri at the ice rink. The comments we're filled with people questioning who I was and trying to figure out my relationship with Yuri.

I looked at the boys under the waterfall, they weren't moving still. I was looking down at the comments making sure that no one found out my identity yet, thankfully no one has found out. My presence on the internet is very little.

I put my phone away and rubbed my head in frustration, "Yuri is gonna kill me..."

I heard a sneeze and looked up to see my blonde out of the water, "Kill you for what?" His voice was gentle, and his eyes we're wide and innocent.

"You... You found your agape?" A smile slowly took my face.

He blush, "Well yeah it wasn't hard, but whatever! You aren't part of it! So-So shut up!"

I got off from the rock and took out my keys, "You guys ready to head back?"

"Yes, get me out of here. It's freezing!" Yuri exclaimed.

I chuckled, "Alright, but first go dry up."


We got to the hot springs once it was dark and since Yuri was still feeling cold we decided to use the spring.

We were changing in the locker area, I was taking off my shirt and felt eyes on me.

"You don't have to stare that hard, you can look at me however you want, Cat boy." I smirked and glanced at him.

"W-Who would look at your ugly ass?! No one wants an old man like you!" He yelled as his face turned red.

I took his arm and pulled him close to me, he didn't meet my eyes. I looked as he lowered his eyes, showing off his beautiful lashes and his pale skin glowing with a hue of pink. His pout deepening as I observed his cute face.

I gently took his face and made him face me, "You sure no one would like an "old man" like me?" I whispered.

He tried to put his gaze somewhere else, but it always met with mine. He slowly shook his head, at this point his skin was all blushed from his neck up.

I smiled, "Oh so there is someone?"

He bit his lip, but nodded his head.

I leaned to his ear, "And who might that be? Hm?" I planted a kiss on his jaw line.


I smirked, "Yes, that's right. Only you." I pulled back to see his reaction, he was shivering, his eyes were closed and his bottom lip was still gnawed at by his teeth.

I brought up his face and kissed him. He let go of his lip, gladly letting me give him a proper kiss. His hands were on top of mine and I felt them tremble as I softly kissed my precious boyfriend.

I pulled back and saw him in tears, I panicked.

"Yuri? Yuri! Are you okay, did I do something wrong?" I let go of his face and pulled him into my chest, "Kitten, I'm sorry, don't cry." I pet his hair and felt his calm down.

He slowly looked up at me with tears yet to fall. "I... I... You're so good... To me." He hiccuped and saw his tears stream down. "I don't... Know why you like me..." He trembled and began to let those tears go like a river.

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