1: The Moon and I

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When we first met, we were still young-still learning the ropes of the entertainment industry. When we agreed to become part-the lead-of Meteor Garden 2018, we never thought we would shoot to stardom in a blink of an eye. We received many criticisms even before our drama was out-because how would these young new actors and actress compare to the loved and legendary cast from the beloved Taiwanese version?

I was young, but I was full of confidence. However, I never thought that this industry-while giving me so much, could also take away the things I loved dear. The things, rather, the people in my life that once was permanent and always there, were slowly drifting away from me. It was my freedom I exchanged for the life of a celebrity. I understood that now. I do regret it sometimes, but it was that fateful day, that decision that brought me to where I am today. I may not be complete, but with her by my side, it was almost the same thing.

The first time I gave her the nickname 'moon' was inevitable. Her name was basically the word 'moon', her fandom was called 'mooncakes', and it just fit her, I think? She was everyone's moon. She shines brightly at night, though hidden in the daytime, you know she'll always be there. Not to say that she only shines at night, she shines every second of the day.

2017. Such a year.

I've known her for 5 years now, but she still surprises me everyday. For all those years, we've also grown up-matured. But that didn't change how I felt from the first time I met her. Years ago I said she would change my life, and she did, in such unexpected ways.

We were still young then, still not ready. We had so many more things to learn, so many more things. But were we ready now? All these years, I knew she was the only one for me. Did she also think the same? Maybe, maybe not. I hope for it.

I remember seeing her for the first time. When I first met her, my first thought was, Wah how can a girl be so cute?! Then she introduced herself to me.

"Hello, My name is Shen Yue."

Even the way she talked was cute. From that day forward, she just become more beautiful everyday.

When we were still filming Meteor Garden we were almost inseparable. I would always follow her around and it wasn't hard since we had the most scenes together anyway, so it wasn't weird for me to be there. I remember when we filmed the episode where I threw the meteor necklace into the pond, I stayed there to watch her even when I was done with my scene. I was concerned and worried because the water was freezing but she was such a good sport. I remember going to her and asking if she cried because of the water and she accused of me of being happy to see her predicament. I told her that my heart was aching, and she didn't believe me. But it was true, everytime I see her struggle, my heart aches and I yearn to help her and be there for her.

Maybe that's why I'm there for her as often as I can and even for the most littlest of things. I know she hates high heels and walking on stage, so I make it that whenever we are together and she has to walk with those deathtraps, I'd be there to support her, making sure she'd never fall.

She was adorable, my moon.

It's funny how our shippers caught every moment of that happening. From Meteor Garden presscons, Happy Camp, Day Day Up, Phantacity, 2018 End of the Year (New Year) Concert. They could be detectives for catching such small details.

I think the time when my feelings really cemented for her was during our time at the Inn. There may be some scripted parts we had to follow, but for the most part we were ourselves and we learned a lot of things about life, from the guests, Boss WangKe and Boss wife Taojie. We matured and we understood what our feeling meant then. That was when we knew it wasn't just infatuation or mere fondness.

What I felt never changed, it only intensified over the years.

There were times that it was hard for the both of us denying our feelings. I admit, I am a bit of a green-eyed monster. Though she wasn't one, she had insecurities about herself-though she should not have any because to me, she was perfect-and these would lead to small fights and misunderstandings. Those times were ones I hated the most because she would pull away or I would pull away, and not seeing her, talking to her, is the worst feeling of all.

There were times when our schedules don't match up and it's hard for us to have time for each other. Those were almost as bad as her not acknowledging my presence because we both want to see each other but we could not.

For the last 5 years, it was a vicious cycle. But I was ready to finally claim her, as she would claim me, to be each other's.

I plan to surprise my little moon on her birthday. It's still almost a month away but I've already got ideas and it needs to be perfect. This would probably the first year we would spend the entire day together on her birthday, even compared to my birthdays. We would often only have few hours together before we had to sneak away, back to our own scheduled agenda. We had to hide from everyone, only with a few people in on the secret.

Maybe that was why we waited. Not only were we novices in the industry, it didn't help that due to our rankings, we couldn't even be seen with each other or acknowledge each other in public due to management's rules. Stupid rules, I know.

But that's gonna change this year, damn the consequences. Maybe it's egotistical of me, but I earned my place in this industry and have more say now, so I could always just change management and agency.

My Moon and I will be together. Finally.

I just hope that she still feels the same.

As I close my eyes to finally drift off to sleep, I smile as I thought of meeting her tomorrow for our weekly dinner date. I can't wait.


I woke up to my phone blaring it's annoying ringtone reserved for Xize and Jiaqi. Shen Yue convinced me to changed their ringtones, since they were two of the few who knew about us (there wasn't an official us but whatever), we need to know when they are calling, just in case it concerns us.

I groan and flopped on the bed, reaching out for my phone on the nightstand beside my bed.

As I squinted my eye to see my phone, I saw that it was Jiaqi and it was freaking 2:01 AM. what the fa?!

"Jiaqi, this better be important." I groan out and starfished on the bed.

"Di-Didi..." I hear her whisper, sounded like she was crying.

I immediately bolted up from the bed. Wide awake now, and turned on my bedside lamp.

"Jiaqi! What happened? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I was worried, she was one of our best friends, ever since Meteor Garden.

"I'm o-okay. But..." and she just started sobbing and couldn't continue any longer. I frowned concerned. I was about to call for her again but before I could I hear shuffling in the background and another voice on the line.

"Didi. It's me, Xize." his calm but serious tone did not make me any less concerned.

"Tell me what's wrong. Are you all okay?"

"We're both fine. But-"

"But what? Just tell me already! You're making me worried bro."

"It's Yue-"

"-She's gone."

That's when time stood still and I felt my heart stop beating.


*hides* DON'T HIT ME! 🙈

guess y'all are waiting for the next chapter?😈

did you expect that? don't hate me! I'm sorry!😅😆💜💛 okay ! Got to get ready for uni now! See you soon with chappie 2 😁😉😘


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