10: The Plans for (of) the Moon

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She looked beautiful.

The red dress hugged her body perfectly. The fit of the sleeve accentuating her toned arms, the cold shoulder fit giving me a gorgeous view of her delicate neck and shoulder.

"Hello, earth to Didi." A hand was waving in front of my face, obscuring my view of the delightful creature across the room.

I tsk'ed and shove the hand away from my face and faced the boys. Turns out it was Xize's hand.

The rest of the boys were smirking or laughing at my blatant staring. I rolled my eyes at them and took a sip of wine.

"Whatever guys. Don't laugh, I know how you guys are when it comes to your women too. It's not just me." I remarked and smirked when the rest of F3 turned to look at their significant others. Kido and Wuyi just hid a smile, their girlfriends weren't here but they too were lovesick fools. We all were.

"好了 (Hǎole, alright). We get it Di." Connor said as he turned back to face me, together with the rest.

We were in the rec room, the rest of our family was in the living room, while the girls were at the reception desk huddled together like we were. We have since split into separate groups since dinner, the oldies, boys and girls. Don't tell anyone I called them oldies, or I'd get a smacking for sure.

"So, congratulations are in order then?" Darren asks as he tips his head to the side, giving me a smirk.

"You sure do move fast Dylan." Kido said sarcastically, Xize giving him a high five while the rest of the guys laughed.

"Yup, only took you years." Wuyi chimed in.

"Stop it guys. I admit I've been slow. But not for long." I tell them and cackled internally at the look of confusion in their faces.

"What do you mean by that bro?" Connor asks, the rest humming in agreement.

"Remember my plans for her birthday?" They all nodded. They were helping me plan the things needed to be done for Shen Yue's birthday. I was planning to ask her to be my girlfriend, but now that that's over, changes needed to be made.

"Well, those are still a go."

"But you already asked her to be yours, bro. The plans were made to ask her to be yours." Xize started, confusion evident on his face. "I mean, the rest can still work out though, I guess."

I snapped my fingers at him. "Exactly, we just need to change some things, and one special thing added."

Their eyes brightened at that.

"What's the plan?" Darren asks smiling.

I gestured with my hand for them to come closer and they all leaned forward. I smirked.



"What do you think they are talking about?" I hear Jiaqi ask the same question running through my head.

Dylan and the boys were in the rec room, where Dylan was directly in my line of sight. For the past hour, we would steal glances at each other and he would catch my eye, run his eyes over my form and give me a smirk. I shiver at what that meant.

But I was curious as well on what they were talking about. Just minutes ago they huddled together and their boisterous voices became hushed whispers.

"I swear if they are planning a prank on me, Connor is sleeping on the floor tonight." Sunqian growled. She was telling us earlier how she and Connor had started a prank fight and it was his turn this time around, having pranked him days ago with water cups all over their bedroom floor-making it impossible of him to get out. He was late to a meeting.

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