5: The Encounter with the Moon

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I was being a bad guest.

That's all there was to say about my behaviour at the moment. I was so distracted with thoughts of Shen Yue that I've been dismissing both Sao zi and Zheng ge.

"I apologize Saozi," turning to the direction of Zheng ge,"对不起 (Duìbùqǐ, I'm sorry). I'm being a bad guest to the both of you."

They both just smiled.

"Didi, it's fine, we know where your thoughts are at," Sao zi murmured comfortingly as she tapped my arm lightly.

"We were young once you know." there goes that wink coming from Zheng ge.

We were in their home now, a familiar feeling of warmth enveloping me as soon as I stepped foot awhile ago. It's been so long since I've been back. Shen Yue and I have been meaning to come back, especially with the Inn family. But with clashing schedules, we couldn't seem to have the time to actually come back. Thank goodness for internet though-we could skype our beloved Arxan family so we've been pretty much keeping in touch.

"Didi, I don't know what's going on with you and Yue, "Saozi started while she puts a cup of tea in front of me and sits down in her seat as I murmured my thanks, "But the last time we talked, you were all good. You guys didn't even mention coming back to visit. It was so last minute that we didn't get to prepare anything for your homecoming."

I looked at her sitting across from me, "Honestly? I don't know what's happening either." I heaved a heavy breath, "I just woke up at dawn to a phone call saying Shen Yue was missing. I looked for her, thought to come here, and," I looked down at my steaming cup of tea, "here I am."

Sao zi sighed softly. She was like another mom I had and seeing her again made me happy despite the worry and sadness I was feeling at the moment.

"My boy, I hope you guys can talk. Because when she arrived she looked lost and empty, and I know, if anyone can make her smile and happy again," she grabbed my hand that was on the table and squeezed in reassurance, "that's you."

I held on to her hand tightly. I hope so. I sure damn hope so. My thoughts were probably plastered on my face because Sao zi smiled at me with that motherly comforting smile.

Zheng ge piped up, "We always knew there was something between the two of you. A bond like no other. When she was sad, you always knew how to cheer her up. Just like when we talked about your grandparents."

Zheng ge came and sat beside his wife and putting an arm around her, with Sao zi still holding on to my hand.

"I could see how badly you wanted to reach across the table and comfort her, but you couldn't. Then after dinner, you walked her to her room, and for the first time since that topic that night, she had a huge genuine smile on her face," he continues with a small tilt of his mouth, "that's why you don't have to worry."

We were silent after that. My thoughts still running with Shen Yue. I don't know what to do when I see her. I just hope that I can ease her worries away, whatever it was that made her run.

After some time passed, we were catching up on things we missed about each other. The Inn was still going strong-increasing the economy of the Wolf town. Sao zi and Zheng ge still living merrily as they ran the small community. I admit, I missed this. Them. The feeling of peace. No paparazzi's to hide from, no screaming fans, no image to hold up. I can just be free. Free to move around. Free to do things. Free to be me.

As 6pm came, I was told I can finally go to the inn. Finally, to see my Shen Yue. As I was getting ready to leave, I realized Zheng ge and Sao zi were not putting on their winter jackets. I was about to ask but before I could Sao zi spoke up.

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