Ever Had A Crush On Her?

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Ron: Hey,guys!

Harry: What's up?

Hermione: Hello!

Ron: You guys can't believe what happened to us when we got home!

Harry: Yeah it was terrible.

Hermione: Too bad Mrs.Weasley didn't understand!

Ron: So basically,we were really late when we got home this morning! Before we could sneak back into our rooms,mum say us and began yelling at us!

Harry: Yeah,she yelled for like a half an hour! Mrs.Weasley said that we didn't even leave her a note and she thought we were dead or something! Which is all Ron's fault since he was supposed to write the note!

Ron: My fault? It thought Hermione was supposed to write the letter!

Hermione: WHAT? I thought Harry was writing the note!

Harry: Well guess what? No one did! But anyways, we tried to explain it to her but of coarse she wouldn't listen! Aisha (@forhogwarts) saved us so we didn't get grounded!

Ron: Yup! We didn't have to pull Garden Gnomes! Fred and George did all of that filthy work. But if you guys think about it,wasn't it because of Aisha that we got yelled at?

Hermione: No Ronald,it was your fault. We were late because you were apparently hungery!

Ron: I was! I couldn't just let let myself starve to death!

Hermione: Waiting a few minutes wouldn't have killed you!

Harry: Guys,guys. Stop bickering! What's done is done! We should really pay attention to our question now!

Ron: Good idea Harry. I think it's my turn to read the question,yes?

Hermione: I guess.

Ron: Good. This question is for Harry! Congradulations mate!

*High Five!*

Ron: Asked from Aisha(@forhogwarts) new friend @IceMeringue. Question: Harry,did you ever had a crush on Hermione?

Harry: Hey, what?

Hermione: WHAT?

Ron: Hermione,shut up! This is not your question!

Hermione: Bu-

Ron: What part of shut up do you not understand?

Harry: Okay,first of all, I've never liked Hermione in that way!

Hermione: *Sighs With Relief*

Ron: Now, Harry can you add on?

Harry: Sure. I mean I've always seem Hermione as a friend or a sister but nothing more than that. And Hermione,I'm glad to have you around!

Hermione: Awwwww! Harry you're so sweet! *Hugs Him*

Harry: Thanks,Hermione!

Ron: Hey,guys! I wanna hug too!

Hermione: Sure.

Harry: No prob Ron!

*They all hug* :)

Ron: Best Friends Foreva!

Harry: So,we gotta head home,now!

Ron: That would be a good idea!

Hermione: Remember,ask more questions!


Harry: Ron's right! Vote too!

Hermione: Bye friends!

Harry: Later!

Ron: Bye mates!

*With That They Disappear* :D


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