Hermione's Crush On Ron

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Harry: Guys, looks like we've got a question!

Ron: Finally, do you know how long I've been waiting!

Hermione: *Rolls her eyes* So, Harry, what's the question?

Harry: Well, Hermione this one's for you!

Hermione: * Goes pale* For me?!

Ron: Yes, yes, Hermione! Now Harry, tell us the bloody question!

Harry: This is a question from Aisha(@forhogwarts) friend @code_sharpie (Alex). Question: Hermione how long have you had a crush on Ron?

Ron: What the......

Hermione: But Harry I can't answer that. This is outrageous! I will not answer it!

Harry: Sorry, Hermione but rules are rules! We promised that we'd answer anything. Swore it on the Unbreakable Vow.

Ron: Wait a second, whoever said that Hermione had a ruddy-

Harry: Ron! Shut up! This isn't your question! And no cursing in front of the audience! Now, Hermione ANSWER THE QUESTION!

Hermione: *Sighs* Fine! 

Ron: Go on, this should be interesting!

Hermione: *Glares at Ron* Okay, in our first year, we really didn't get along! I mean I was really hurt when Ron talked behind my back about how I was such a nerd-

Ron: You are.

Hermione: But then when he saved me from that troll I didn't think he was all that bad anymore.

Harry: I saved you from the troll too, you know!

Hermione: Oh, yeah, sorry, Harry.

Hermione: But in our second year, I guess that's where all the feelings started. Remember how Ron was very angry and disgusted of my crush on Lockhart.

Ron: Was not!

Harry: Shut the hell up!

Hermione: And remember when, I was unpetrified and ran to hug Harry and then I was about to hug Ron but we both blushed and Ron said "ehmmm...Welcome back Hermione". 

Ron: *Rolls his eyes*

Hermione: My feelings for Ron really started to show in our fourth year. I was furious that Ron hadn't had the courage to ask meout to the Yule Ball before someone else.Not to mention it took him 3 years to notice that I was a girl. Ron was also angry that I went to the ball with Viktor Krum.

Harry: Awwwww! That's so cute! I've been watching you two for years and still didn't realize a thing!    *Pulls everyone in a hug*

Ron: Okay, okay don't get all mushy on me!

Hermione: Aww.. Ron you're so cute! *Kisses his cheek*

Ron: Eww! Hermione that's gross!

Harry: Well, Hermione that wasn't so bad, was it?

Hermione: Not bad, I guess! Oh, but we need more questions!

Harry: Lots and lots of questions!

Ron: Yeah, bring it on, baby!

Hermione: And vote!

Harry: Bye!

Hermione: Bye!

Ron: Later,mates!

* Magically Disappear*

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