Fred and "Harry's Death"

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 Okay, so hey guys. I'm sorry for not updating. I've been really busy and with school it just makes it harder. I have been on Wattpad lately but just for fun. Reading other stories. I haven't been paying much attention to mine. And I'm sorry for that. I know a lot of you have been asking questions for this one. But as I said, with school it just complicates my life. And I've been trying to catch up on my studies and I've been reading a lot. And I'll apologize again for not updating. So, if I haven't answered your questions yet for my story,just bare with me for now. I haven't ignored them. I just need some time to answer them all. So anyways, that's about it and I hope you're all having a great Holiday Break!! I know I am! 

 -Love @forhogwarts (Aisha)

 Ron: Oh my Hallows! I haven't seen you all in a thousand years!!! *Hugs all Fangirls*

 Harry: Yeah! We are finally here! I missed you all so much!!

 Hermione: *Rolls Eyes* It has indeed been a very long time.

*Aisha @forhogwarts appears*


Ron: Yeah, mentioning the Holidays, are you all having fun? Oh and mum knit me another jumper for Christmas.

Hermione: Aww. And it looks very cute on you!

Harry: Okay,okay. Enough with the mushiness.

*Fred's ghost appears*

Ron: F-F-Fred? How did you get here?

Fred The Ghost: What do you mean Ickle Ronniekins? Do you honestly think I haven't known about this place? I mean these are my fans too you know!

Hermione: Umm.....Fred? You're a ghost.

Fred The Ghost: Obviously Hermione.

Harry: But where have you been?

Fred The Ghost: Oh around Hogwarts. I've lost count of the years. Time passes really slow when you're dead.

Ron: :'( Do you have any idea how much we've missed you? And mum? She-she- *Breaks down crying*


Fred The Ghost: Okay then...How's our joke shop?

Harry: Running well. George has been taking care of it.

Fred The Ghost: *Smiles * Oye George! Stop hiding behind that tree.

*George comes out behind the tree, jumps over Ron to hug Fred. But goes through him*

Ron: Bloody Hell George! Watch it!!

 *Fred and George talk for a while*

Hermione: *Whispers* Brotherly love.

Ron: *Wipes Tears*

Harry: Yeah. I never thought I'd see them like that again.

Aisha: But we've got a question. And it is extremely important.

Hermione: Really? Whose it from?

Aisha: It is from WolfstarShippper. Question for Ron: How did you feel when Fred died? And when you saw Harry in Hagrid's arms. Did you assume he was dead?

Ron: *Sighs* Let me answer Fred's part first.

Hermione: *Nods*

Ron: It was the most horrible moment in my life, losing a part of my family. We were all so close. Losing one of us hurt. A lot. We were never the same without him. It felt like a part of my heart had been torn apart. Literally. We all changed after his...death. Every night, I would think of him. Think of how he made us laugh,think of his corny jokes and how he always pissed mum off. *Tears Filled His Eyes* But that's not all. Facing George was the hardest. He took Fred's death so hard. Imagine having a twin. Imagine having a second YOU. And then imagine losing them...George carried around Fred's death like a sickness. Fred’s death bit at the heart of our family, and the tragedy reunited Percy with us.

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