Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans

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Aisha(@forhogwarts): Why,hello,wonderful witches and wizards. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I was rather bored today so I decided to drop by for a visit!

Ron: What are you doing here? 

Aisha: Hi,Ron. Yes, I'm having a great day so far! Thank you for asking.

Ron: Please don't kill me.

Aisha: Just be a good boy now and give back my book. If you do, maybe I'll spare some of your fingers.

Harry: What are you two doing?

Ron: Harry,thank god you're here! She's going to bloody chop my fingers off!

Hermione: I'll help!

Aisha: Yeah! Hermione you can chop his left hand and I'll do the right.

Harry: Wait,wait, time out. What did he do this time?

Aisha: He stole my book.

Harry: He stole your book so you're going to chop his hands off?

Hermione: Exactly.

Harry: Have you two gone mad? It's just a book. 

Ron: Yeah. You don't need to chop my fingers off cause of that.

Hermione: Shut up!

Aisha: Just a book? Just a book? It was THE Book. Harry,it was Hogwarts,A History!

Harry: Oh,you mean the book you two have memorized.

Hermione: *Glare*

Aisha: Do you have a problem?

Harry: No! I was just you know,saying that you guys are really talented to have-umm.. yeah memorized it all.

Aisha: That's what I thought. Anyways, where is the book?

Ron: It might've accidently ended up in the toilet....

Aisha: WHAT???!!!!

Hermione: You are so dead!

Harry: How'd the book get in the toilet in the first place?

Ron: Well,Moaning Myrtal was bored and I gave her the book to read. She didn't like it so she flushed it down the toilet.

Harry: *Facepalm*

Aisha: Well,I'll go get Riptide,now.

Ron: Wh-Who's Riptide?

Hermione: Riptide is Percy Jackson's sword.

Ron: Oh. Wait, you're gonna stab me??!!

Aisha: Well,yes.

Ron: NO! PLEASE DONT! PLEASE! I'll Give you my copy!

Aisha: Hmmmm.... Let me think about it. Okay!

*Ron Gives Her The Copy Of Hogwarts A History*

Harry: Okay,so are we all good?

Aisha: Yep!

Hermione: Mentioning,Percy Jackson,Aisha. OMG! Blood of Olympus came out!!!! It all ends today!

Ron: Can you two sh-

Aisha: IKR!! I am dying! Wanna go to the bookstore later? 

Hermione: Totally!!!!

Harry: Sorry to interrupt your fangirl talk but we have a question,ya know!

Aisha: Oh,yeah. I forgot about that. So,I'm reading the question. Questi-

Ron: Oh no she didn't.

Hermione: Yeah,she did.

Harry: Aisha, I wanna read the question! It's my turn!

Ron: What? No,mate. It isn't your turn. It's mine.

Aisha: I don't care what you guys bloody say. A am reading the question! Period.

Hermione: Fine with me. 

Aisha: This question is from the amazing user @loveyellow369.

 Harry: Yellow is an awesome color!

Aisha: Agreed. Question: To all, favorite Betie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?

Ron: I'll go first! I really like the marshmallow one! It's good! And chocolate! Bubblegum taste like bubblegum and then there's candyfloss!

Hermione: Well,I like the blueberry. Banana is okay.

Harry: I love the strawberry jam! The chocolate pudding is so delicious! The plum is good too!

Aisha: So,yeah! Those are some of the good flavors!

Ron: I puked several times after eating the rotten egg one!

Hermione: Yeah,me too!

Harry: The rotten egg is gross.

Aisha: I hope this answers your question,@loveyellow369. And to those here right now! Go buy Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans at Hogsmeade now!

Hermione: Aisha,we're running late! The bookstore will close in an hour! Let's go!

Ron: Bye,friends!

Harry: Bye! Vote and ask questions!

*They all disappear*

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