Favorite Harry Potter Movie

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  • Dedicated to Ninja Turtles

Hermione: Wow! We finally made it!

Ron: I know right! Professor Snape kept watching our every move.

Hermione: Wait-where is Harry?

Ron: Where is he?

Hermione: I don't know! I thought he was right behind you!

Ron: I thought he was behind you.

Hermione: *Shakes Head* He wasn't with me.

Ron: Then where the bloody hell is he? 

Hermione: Do you think I know?

Ron: Don't worry. Stay calm. I have a plan. *Pulls Out Wand* Accio Harry Potter!

*Harry Comes Falling From The Sky*

Hermione: Oh God. How-what?

Ron: Shut up Hermione. I'll do the talking. So,Harry. Where the bloody hell were you?

Harry: Ugh! Stupid Floo Powder is messed up.

Hermione: At least we're all glad you're here.

Ron: Well said. We wouldn't want to lose our Chosen One now,would we?

Harry: Whatever mates.

Hermione: So what's going on with you Harry?

Ron: Yeah! What's wrong with you?

Harry: My scar hurts...

Hermione: :0

Ron: No way! Yay! Time to go all ninja on Voldy!

* Aisha (@forhogwarts) and Clarissa (@a_random_demigodz) appear.*

Clarissa: Did someone say ninja?!

Ron: Hey! It's my ninja buddy!!!

Clarissa: So! So! So! Are we gonna turn into ninjas and fight Voldemort.

Aisha: *Gasp* You said You-Know-Who's name!!!!

Clarissa: Yeah and?

Hermione: *whispers* He'll reach down your throat and swallow your soul.

Clarissa: Don't worry peoples! I got my handy Ninja Turtle skills and my Ninja Turtle buddies at my side!

Harry: She is cray-cray.

Clarissa: Harry,don't make me use my Ninja Turtle skills. I shall hit you with the hammer where the sun don't shine!

Ron: Can I take a swing at the hammer too?

Clarissa: Hmmm......Are you a worthy Ninja Turtle?

Ron: YES!!!!

Clarissa: Then you may hit Harry with the hammer.

Harry: WHAT?! NOO!!

Aisha: Bad children. No violence.

Clarissa: What are you? Our nanny?

Aisha: Yes. Now we need to head back to Muggle School!

Clarissa: *Whines* But-but-but I didn't show Ron my Ninja moves yet!

Aisha: I don't care!

Clarissa: Girl,then I ain't going anywhere!

Aisha: But I have seaweed!

Clarissa: Bye! See ya guys tomorrow! Adios!

*They Both Disappear*

Harry: Well that was fast.

Hermione: Harry,you're lucky she didn't hit you with that hammer.

Ron: Yeah,but I was looking foward to it.

Harry: GUYS! We forgot the question!

Ron: No worries. I have it right here and this question is yet again from @chelseaamerica22.

Hermione: Wow,Ron. You actually were responsible for the first time in your life.

Ron: Why thank you Hermione. Question: Which Harry Potter movie is your favorite.

Harry: Interesting. I will say the first one. That was when I found out that I am a wizard. That's when I met my two best friends in the world.

Hermione: Awww.

Ron: I'm so touched.



Ron: Hermione,go next.

Hermione: The fourth one was my favorite. Because that was when on finally noticed I was a girl.

Ron: *Rolls Eyes* Oh well excuse me. You acted like a robot half of the time.

Hermione: Fine,you go next.

Ron: I like the second movie because that was the first time Harry and I got something done without Hermion. You know,when she was petrified and stuff.

Harry: True. I was so proud of myself.

Hermione: So yeah. Those are out favorite movies!

Harry: Shoot! Guys we have to meet Hagrid,remember?

Ron: Bloody hell! I totally forgot.

Hermione: Bye! Comment and vote.

Harry: Also,as for now,no questions!

Ron: Yeah! We have too many questions to answer!

Hermione: BYE!!

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