Golden Trio's Favorite Spells

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Hermione: Hello,good morning!

Ron: Hey,mates!

Harry: Nice to see you guys,again.

Ron: Halloween is coming! I am so excited!

Harry: Yeah! IKR! There is gonna be a huge feast!


Hermione: *Sigh* You guys need to grow up.

Ron: Hermione,you're no fun.

Harry: Yeah,Hermione. Just chill.

Hermione: We have exams at the end of this year,you know.

Ron: *Rolls His Eyes* Harry,she will never learn to have fun.

Harry: Agreed. So do we have a question?

Ron: Yes we do and I'm readi-

Hermione: Nope! I'm reading it!

Ron: Now,wait a second. It is my turn.

Harry: No,Ron. Hermione reads the question.

Hermione: YAY! This question is from @Son_Of_Apollo.

Ron: SON? AS IN A GUY???????

Harry: *Gasp*  A fanboy!!!

Ron: Ahhh!!!! A rare species has been found!!!

Hermione: Yeah......wait. Isn't he the one who took me off that fandom pole?

Harry: Oh yeah.

Ron: Aisha @forhogwarts was devastated.

Hermione: Whatevs.

Harry: So you dont care?

Hermione: No.

Ron: So you don't care.

Hermione: Yes.

Ron: So you do.

Hermione: No.

Ron: So you don't care.

Hermione: Yes.

Ron: So you do?

Hermione: UGH!!! SHUT UP!!!!

Ron: *whispers to Harry* She does care.

Hermione: *death glare*

Harry: Anyways.....the question?.....

Hermione: Question: What are the trio's fave spell?

Ron: I'll go first! 

Harry: Fine.

Ron: Well,I like jinxes and curses. There,I'm done. Next.

Hermione: I like all spells.

Ron: Anyone suprised?

Hermione: Shut up! But my favorite is Wingardium Leviosa. I f you think about it,that spell actually led to our friendship.

Harry: True. Ron didn't know how to do the spell. So,Hermione did it. Ron got mad. Talked about Hermione behind her back. Hermione's in the bathroom crying. Then,comes the troll. So we go save her. And then we're best friends foreva! The End.

Ron: Kay den....

Hermione: Harry,your turn.

Harry: I would say my signature spell. Which is Expelliarmus! But I also like Expecto Potronum because I've worked really hard on learning it.

Ron: Yeah! We're done!!!! LUNCH TIME!

Harry: Yeah,I'm hungry. 

Hermione: Me too. And then I have to head to the library.


Harry: Later,guys! And yeah. What Ron said.

Hermione: Read Blood Of Olympus and cry. Cause it ended.

Harry: That's not what you're supposed to say.

Hermione: Shut up.

Ron: Well,um bye?

*They leave*

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