A week Later...

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(Adrian POV:)
It has been a week since I've been in New York working. I was in my office in the superhero secret service in New York.
Sara: hey I got these for u
Me: what is it
Sara: these for the new updates and such
Me: thanks
Sara: ya
Me: so what are u doing for lunch today
Sara: no plans
Me: great let me take u out to eat
Sara: why
Me: so we can talk I don't know
Sara: ok
Me: ok
Sara: well see u later
Me: bye
She walked out and my office phone rang.
(In phone conversation)
Me: this is Adrian Storm
Leah: hey Aj
Me: hey Leah what's up
Leah: nothing just checking up on u. How's everything going
Me: great
Leah: ya how was the meeting
Me: it went better than I thought it was going to go
Leah: great that's good to hear
Me: ya
Leah: have u talked or seen Sara
Me: ya I have
Leah: how is she
Me: she good.
Leah: really
Me: well she has been acting weird like suspicious
Leah: I wonder what's going on
Me: ya
Leah: how's Veronica
Me: she's great
Leah: ya she like her job
Me: ya she loves it
Leah: ok
Me: how everyone over there in Ninjago
Leah: yeah all great
Me: ya and the kids
Leah: great too
Me: ok
Leah: well just called to check on u. And I leave u to work
Me: ok
Leah: ok bye
Me: bye
(End of phone conversation)
I hung up and saw all the papers that Sara brought me. And I checked all of them. Then I turned around and looked out the huge window.
(Jay POV:)
Me: Maddie let's go we're going to be late
Maddie: I'm coming
Nya: hey have u seen my phone
Me: ya It's right here
Nya: thank you
Maddie: ok ready
Me: ok let's go
We got Into the car and drove to the superhero secret service.
Liv: hey Maddie
Maddie: hey
Liv: come on let's go train
Maddie: yeah. Ok bye guys
Nya: bye
Me: bye
We saw Skyler talking to someone then she saw us and waved.
Nya: who's that
Me: don't know
After the guy walked Away from her we walked towards her.
Me: who was that
Skyler: it's this guys helping us with the new renovations
Nya: oh
Me: have you heard from Adrian
Skyler: ya I talked to him 2 days ago
Me: how is he
Skyler: good u know just working
Nya: typical Adrian
Skyler: right
Me: well we should get to working
Skyler: ok ya same here
Nya: ok see u around we walked away.
I walked to the training room to see Kai and Lloyd and see how there doing.
Me: hey guys
Lloyd: hey buddy
Kai: hey
Me: what's going on here? Where are the
Kai: oh yeah we sent them on there morning run
Me: morning run?
Lloyd: ya Jenna and max go on morning runs with Adrian and it helps them a lot
Me: ooh
Kai: ya
Me: how are they doing
Lloyd: ya there great it's all going good
Me: ok well just came to check how everything is going
Kai: ok
Me: ok well see you guys later
I walked out and went to work.
(Leah POV:)
I got off work early and went to Emma's house. I pulled up in her driveway and got out my car and knocked at her door.
Emma: hey mom
Me: hey em
Emma: come in
I walked in.
Emma: Kelli looks who's here
I saw Kelli walked down the stairs.
Kelli: grandma
Me: hi princess
She ran up to me and hugged me and picked her up. I followed Emma to her kitchen.
Emma: want something to drink
Me: ya water works
Emma: ok Kelli go play while me and grandma talk
Kelli: ok
I put her down and she ran back upstairs.
Me: well she is growing up fast
Emma: ya to fast
Me: so what we're u doing
Emma: just here
Me: oh
Emma: what about you?
Me: well got out of work early
Emma: any reason
Me: was tired
Emma: same
Me: ya
I took and drink of my water.
Me: have u talked to Aj
Emma: ya I talked to him last night
Me: oh ya I called home this morning
Emma: ya
Me: ya
Emma: wait quick question
Me: ya
Emma: why did u send him to New York
Me: what do u mean
Emma: why did u send him
Me: for him to go Check the superhero secret service
Emma: but I thought veronica and Sara had that under control
Me: uh huh
Emma: mom what's going on
Me: nothing
Emma: mom
I rolled my eyes.
Me: I send him there to go check up on Sara
Emma: Sara? Why is she ok..?
Me: Haven't u noticed that she's been acting weird
Emma: well I haven't even seen since u send her over there
Me: I meant before that
Emma: she was very quite when we put Peterson in prison
Me: exactly
Emma: I'm confused
I pulled out my laptop and put on a video for Emma to see.
Emma: a video? Of what?
Me: of Sara and Peterson the day Skyler had Jenna and max remember she left to go do something
Emma: ya
Me: well I found out what something was
I pushed play the video.
(Security cameras footage)
Peterson: well u came
Me: well u made me
Peterson: everything is going as plan
Me: is it
Peterson: yes it is and if it doesn't that's when u walk in since ur not going to kill Aj then I'll have someone who will
Me: well ur in here
Peterson: I'm actually in ur head
Me: but u don't have powers
Peterson: or do I
He smiled.
Me: I'm not doing this again
He grabbed me by the neck. And looked me In the eye. And his eyes turned red.
Peterson: yes u are
(End of Footage)
Emma: oh my god when did u learn this
Me: 3 weeks ago. I noticed that days footage was missing so I looked for it and someone must've deleted it.
Emma: what's going on?
Then my phone rang.
(In phone conversation)
Me: hello
Lloyd: hey mom
Me: hey Lloyd what's up
Lloyd: we have a problem
Me: with what
Skyler: Leah there's a package waiting for us and you won't believe who it's from
Me: what? Who's it from
Skyler: Peterson
Lloyd: come quick
Me: ok be there
(End of phone conversation)
Emma: what's wrong
Me: some package came
Emma: from who
Me: Peterson
Emma: omg ok we have to go
We got into the car.
Kelli: where are we going
Emma: daddy's work hon
Kelli: is he back!
Emma: no honey
Kelli: uh

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