A Blast From The Past

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(Jenna POV:)
I was at my moms house. Relaxing on a Saturday in my room.
Liv: hey let's watch a movie
Me: no I have homework
Liv: come on please
Me: ok what movie
Liv: mean girls
Me: oh yeah
Maddie: wait without me
Me: hurry
Then max came in.
Max: girls
Liv: hey max
Maddie: max
Me: what are u doing
Max: having a day off
Liv: same
I rolled my eyes.
The tv turned on.
Maddie: oh did u get a new tv
Me: no
Liv: then why did it turn on, on it's own
Me: how am I supposed to know
Then a video started playing.
It was later in the day. And we were at the super hero secret service. We were in the conference room and Nya was tracing Adrian coordinates.
Skyler: anything yet
Nya: no not yet just give me a little bit more time
Cora: I can't imagine what Peterson is going to make Adrian do
Courtney: something awful
Maya: well it's not like he's going to help people
Jay: ok what exactly does he want
Emma: ya mom
Leah: I don't know. I've been asking myself that for years
Dad: have u ever asked him what he wants
Leah: ya all the time
Allan: and what
Leah: well let's just say that conversation didn't end well for any of us
Nya: guys
Dad: ya
Nya: found him
Me: u did
Nya: ya
Lloyd: where is he
Nya: look
She plugged the laptop to the projector. I walked up to the projector.
Skyler: I know where he is
Allan: where
Skyler: where Peterson kept me and Adriana and Cole when u took us
Mom: he's there
Skyler: ya it's Peterson layer
Lloyd: what are we waiting for then let's go
Skyler: but we have to be careful ok
Leah: ya
Skyler: ok
Pete: sky Lloyd come here please
Lloyd: ok..?
We followed Pete to the lockers.
Skyler: ok what
P: look open the locker
Skyler and Lloyd opened it and saw two black suits.
Lloyd: wow cool
Skyler: wait these are for us
P: ya we thought u two needed them
Skyler: omg I love it thanks Pete
P: don't thank me thank Cora she wanted you two to have new suits for tonight
Lloyd: there awesome
P: well hurry up
He left and they changed
Skyler : what
Lloyd: nothing
Skyler: u keep staring at me
Lloyd: well why did u lie about Adrian locations
Skyler: what
Lloyd: u knew where he was why didn't u say anything
Skyler: how did u know
Lloyd: well u did take forever to come back
Skyler: ya
Lloyd: so what's his plan
Skyler: trust me u don't want to know
Lloyd: why the hell would I be asking sky. I want to know
Skyler: he wants me to do anything to take him/ Peterson down even if that means killing him
Lloyd: well hope our plan works
Skyler: ya
Lloyd: well let's go
They walked out and went to the front and we saw Pete.
Skyler: where's everyone else
P: they left already
Skyler: ok we need to go then are u coming Pete
P: ya
Skyler: ok hold on
They super speeded to Peterson layer and saw them going inside the house.
P: here find another way to get in and find Adrian
Lloyd and I walked around and broke through a door.
Lloyd: okay where's Adrian
Skyler: I'm guessing in Peterson layer
Lloyd: ur right
They walked down to the basement and saw Aj looking at the computer. Then the family behind them.
Mom: what took u guys so long
Skyler: that's not important right now
Ariana: what he doing
Emma: I don't know but it doesn't look good
Kai: what's he doing
Jay: idk
Adrian: are u guys just going to keep staring at me..?
They all looked at each other and walked out
Skyler: Adrian
Adrian turned around and he looked to be back to normal.
Courtney : Aj
Adrian: ya
Allan: ur not under his control anymore
Adrian: ya he stopped about 5 min ago
Emma: so what are u doing
Adrian: trying to see what he is up to before it's to late
Courtney: come on let's go and we can go figure this out
Adrian backed up.
Emma: Adrian
Adrian: I'm not going anywhere
Skyler: Adrain come on
Mom: what
Adrian: look guys just leave ok
Skyler: wait we have a plan Adrian we can just turn off ur powers and he's not going to be able to control u
Adrian: I already tried that but it doesn't work
Lloyd: what
Adrian: guys he's not going to leave me alone....well not unless....
Emma: not unless what..?
Then he turned around and touched his head.
Skyler: Adrian..?
Adrian: sky u need to do what I told u to do.... we don't have a lot of time left
Emma: do what
Sky: no there has to be another way
Adrian: there isn't ok
Leah: wait do what
Skyler turned around and looked at Leah.
Leah: wait what?!? No there's has to be another way
Adrian: there's isn't!!!!
His voice go deeper and his eyes turned red.
Jay: I'm confused what are u guys taking about
Leah: the only way Peterson would not get what he wants is if he
Maya: if he what
Sky: if he dies
Everyone: what!!!!
Adrian: guys it's the only way
Emma: Adrian please
Adrian: I'm sorry u guys were right I should have told u guys about this. u guys don't have time I have to do it now Skyler
Skyler shook my head. Then Adrian closed his eyes. And turned around.
Maya: Adrian
He stood up straight.
(Now I know this is going to get confusing but Peterson is not in control of Adrian but there is going to be places where Adrian over throws Peterson for a little bit. Peterson is in Adrians head so there the same person.)
Peterson: so who wants to die first
He turned around
Leah: leave Adrian alone
Peterson: no
Skyler: what the hell do u want
Peterson: not of ur business
Then he blasted them with his powers and everyone got blowed out of the house except for Skyler and Leah.
Leah: sky ur going to have to do it
Skyler: I can't
Then Peterson stated groaning.
Adrian: do it
Me: I'm sorry
Adrian: it's ok
Then Skyler put my hand on his chest and grabbed his heart. Skyler backed up.
Peterson: give me that Skyler u don't know what ur doing
Then he was going to grab Skyler but Leah grabbed Skyler and  jumped out of the house. And landed on there feet.
Ariana: what happened
Peterson came after us.
Peterson: are u really willingly to kill Adrian to get rid of me
Skyler: I don't have a choice
Peterson: u always have choice
Then he grabbed Skyler by the neck and through me to the outer side where the house was at.
Leah: sky!!!!
Then he put a force field and blocked off the family so they wouldn't help Skyler.
Peterson: u should have joined me when u had the chance Skyler
Skyler tried to get up but I was to weak.
Peterson: I don't want to do this but u left me no other choice
He pulled out a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at Skyler. Skyler got up and super speeded up to him and pushed the gun out of his hand and kicked it so he wouldn't get it and he grabbed Skyler by the hair and dragged me till Skyler got a balance of herself. Skyler blasted him with her powers and wiped the blood of her face and pulled out a knife and he came to Skyler and started swinging at her. Skyler kept backing up and tried not to get cut. Then he grabbed Skyler by the arm and pulled her into the knife. Then saw Peterson A.K.A Adrian pull in Skyler to the knife.
Everyone: sky
They stood there and they let go and saw that the knife went into Adrian. Adrian's eyes weren't red anymore. Skyler hold him when he fell to the ground then something exploded and broke the force field. Everyone ran up to them. But they were to late Adrian was already....Gone. Lloyd hugged Skyler then the police came.
(End of Video)
Me: what the hell
Maddie: I thought we were going to watch mean girls
Max: they looked younger
Me: wasn't that the last kind of battle with Peterson
Max: I think so
Maddie: so that's not a movie
Me: no
Maddie: wow
Lloyd: hey guys what are doing
Liv: we were watching a movie.
Maddie: ya
Liv: ok well I need to go home
Maddie: can I give me a ride
Liv: ya
Maddie: bye
They walked out.
Lloyd: everything ok
Max and I looked at each-other
Me: ya
Lloyd: ok

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