Heros and Villians

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(Lucy POV:)
We were back at the super hero secret service after the battle.
Jake: what happened?
Austin: it's over
Jess: what is?
Austin: conflict between Mrs Osborn and Jenna
Jake: seriously?
Austin: yeah
Skyler: can you guys get someone to come look at Jenna please.
Jenna: mom I'm fine. Really.
Skyler: I don't care. I still want someone to check you. Especially after you broke the staff
Me: that was a brave move Jenna
Max: did it hurt?
Jenna: oh yeah.
Liv: well now you only have the crown.
Jenna: yeah
Veronica: what are you going to do about being leader?
Jenna: I don't know yet. But I think I have an idea
Man: Miss Storm?
Jenna: yeah?
Man: so we tried talking to Mrs Osborn but she said she is only going to talk you.
Jenna: of course she did
Skyler: yeah no way
Jenna: come on mom
Skyler: she literally killed you
Jenna: I'm alive aren't I?
Skyler looked at Jenna.
Man: she's going to have to anyway she's the leader of the villain academy
Skyler looked at the man and then to Jenna.
Jenna: you guys can watch from the monitor in the conference room
Skyler: fine
She walked with the man and we followed Skyler into the conference room and turned on the huge they have in there and we could now see and hear what was going on in the interrogation room.
(Live Video)
Mrs Osborn: well looks who's alive
Jenna: hello
Jenna sat in front of her.
Jenna: so..
Mrs Osborn: congrats your free
Jenna: what does that mean
Mrs Osborn: you betrayed me Jenna.
Jenna: well you didn't really give me much of choice
Mrs Osborn: quick question..
Jenna: yeah
Mrs Osborn: did you plan this..?
Jenna just looked at Mrs Osborn.
Mrs Osborn: Jenna? Did you?
Jenna still didn't say anything.
Mrs Osborn: you did didn't you
Jenna: what makes you say that?
Mrs Osborn: really?
Jenna: I didn't
Mrs Osborn: okay yeah whatever. Are you just saying cause your family is watching?
Jenna looked away.
Jenna: look I didn't ok.
Mrs Osborn: okay whatever you say.
Jenna: do you know how long I've been waiting for the this day to come? Every single day after Logan died I have been depressed. Every day. I just wanted it to end and I didn't care how. 
Mrs Osborn just kept looking at Jenna.
Jenna: you know sometimes I think what would have happened afterwards if I did pull the trigger.
Mrs Osborn: Jenna.. I'm so sorry I made you go through that. I'm sorry. But I really didn't have a choice. Peterson was on my ass making sure you became the Queen of Evil like tour great grandma
Jenna just kept starring at Mrs Osborn.
Jenna: Logan died, you made Zach rape me, You drugged me and Logan, I got pregnant and had a baby at the age of 15, I almost killed myself twice, you made me betray my family, you almost killed, you made me loose my powers, you literally killed me. Should I stop or keep going.
Mrs Osborn: wait..
Jenna: for what..?
Mrs Osborn: twice? You tried twice?!
Jenna: really that's the only thing that you picked up on.
Mrs Osborn: when was the second time?!
Jenna: when I got pregnant. Why do you think I always carry these around
Jenna reached in her pocket and pulled out a bottle of pills. She put on the table for Mrs Osborn to see.
Mrs Osborn: are they the same that Logan used to..
Jenna: ..kill him self... yeah it was...now I know why he carried them around
Mrs Osborn: you what I didn't get is why you didn't tell your family what was going on in your life.
Jenna: what do you mean why?!
Mrs Osborn: yeah..
Jenna: cause they would be disappointed and being the kids of the leaders of Ninjago we have to be in our best behavior and always being smiling and never having an off day. Now everyone is going to look at me differently.
Mrs Osborn: well at least now you don't have to act like something your aren't. I'm mean besides being the leader of the villains.. and speaking of that what are you going to do?
Jenna: don't worry I have a plan for that
Mrs Osborn looked down.
Jenna: you had the chance to change..
Mrs Osborn: when?
Jenna: a long time ago and you didn't take it and when we did that bet a long time ago you told me how much you regretted it.
Mrs Osborn: I do.
Jenna: then why make me go through the same thing
Mrs Osborn: the power gets to you. You out of all people should know how that feels like
Jenna: gee thanks
Mrs Osborn: I'm sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me.
Jenna looked away.
Jenna: I forgive you.
Mrs Osborn: what?
Jenna: i don't want to live the rest of my life blaming you for everything that wasn't actually your fault and then realizing it's to late to forgive you. And maybe one day your kids will realize that too. And I know that, that wasn't you.
Mrs Osborn smiled at Jenna.
Jenna: well I should get going.
Jenna got up and was heading to the door.
Mrs Osborn: Jenna
Jenna: yeah
Mrs Osborn: I need to tell you something
Jenna: which is..?
Mrs Osborn: just because you changed what was actually supposed to happen doesn't mean it's ever going to happen.
Jenna starred at her. Mrs Osborn was taken away.
(End of Love Video)

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