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(Sara POV:)
We were at the hospital to see if Adrian was ok.
Nya: so what happened
Skyler: well we went and tried to talk some sense into Aj but then he lost it and chocked me and Jenna and max came and then Lucy came out and fought him.
Sara: yeah well there's more into that story
Skyler: why did she fight him?
Me: Well the reason she fought him was to destroy his evil side of his powers that he got from Peterson 17 years ago
Emma: well did it work
Me: don't know. Now I'll be right back
I walked up to Lucy.
Me: hey how you feeling
Lucy: better
Me: have your parents called you
Lucy: no they think I'm doing some work for them
Me: what
Lucy: don't worry about it
Me: how are you actually
Lucy: yeah I'm good
Me: yeah well I saw the way you were fighting him. What did he tell you
Lucy: well..
Then the Doctor came.
Doctor: Sara
Me: hey how is he
Doctor: well
I saw Lucy and she was freaking out.
Doctor: it worked you guys destroyed his evil powers
Lucy: shut up
Me: omg!
Doctor: now he is just healing
Sara: is he awake
Doctor: no he asleep he got a concussion
Lucy: tell me about it
Sara: thank you
He walked away.
Sara: wow it worked
Lucy: yeah it did
Sara: well thanks to you.
Lucy: yeah
Then her phone rang.
Lucy: hey mom.....I'm on my way
She hung up.
Lucy: I have to go
Me: ok see you tomorrow
Lucy: bye
I walked back.
Emma: well..
Me: it worked
Skyler: really
Me : yeah thanks to Lucy
Jenna: what
Me: yeah she was the one who came up with the plan
Jenna: but why..?
Me: cause she is nothing like her parents
Skyler: is he awake
Me: no not yet the doctor wants home to rest
Skyler: ok good
Emma: wow it's over
Nya: but should we be worried about the Osborn's
Kai: ok we should just worry about Adrian ok it's been a long week
Emma: true
(Lucy POV:)
I went home and I saw my parents sitting on the couch waiting for me.
Me: hey mom and dad what's up
Mom: we need to talk
Me: about
Dad: your future..
Me: ok what about it
Mom: here sit
I sat and she handed me papers. I read them.
Me: wait.. what is this
Mom: well it's the contract that your going to sign
Me: excuse me?
Dad: yeah it's about you taking over the family business..
Me: by the family business you mean the Villain Academy
Mom: yes!
Dad: you are you are going to be the new leader.
Me: I thought I had to be 21 to be leader
Mom: not anymore I changed the rule thingy
Me: but..
Mom: but what? Isn't this what you always wanted! I remember when you were a little girl this was your dream
Me: yeah it is! And I'm happy
Mom: great
Me: well I have to go back to my job mom
Mom: ok you do that and please come to the Villain Academy at 10 tomorrow
Me: ok I'll be there
I left and went back to the hospital. But on the way there I was having a panic attack. I got the the hospital and Sara and her family were still there. Sara saw me and waved and I waved back.
Nick: Hey Lucy!
Me: Nick! Hey what are you doing here
Nick: Visiting my grandma
Me: is she ok
Nick: yeah she is
Me: good
Nick: congratulations by the way
Me: on what?
Nick: being the new leader of the Villain Academy
Me: how do you know that
Nick: your parents have been announcing it all morning
Me: yeah
My hand started shaking.
Nick: you ok
Me: yeah I'm fine
Nick: you sure?
Me: no I'm going to be sick
I ran to the bathroom and nick Followed. I threw up and nick went into the bathroom and locked the door.
Nick: here's and paper towel
Me: thanks
Nick: what's wrong
Me: what do you think
Nick: let me guess you don't want to be leader
Me: yeah
Nick: but you always wanted to be leader
Me: yeah wanted... but Not anymore
Nick: well tell your parents
Me: yeah easier said than done
Nick: true
Me: look I'll figure it out
Nick: wait what are you doing here
Me: none of your business nick
Nick: ok sorry
Me: well I'll see you later.
I walked out and saw them and they were confused. I walked up to them.
Sara: hey everything ok
Me: yeah everything is great
Sara: I thought you went with your parents
Me: I did but nothing happen so I came back
Sara: ok
Emma: hey Lucy
Me: yeah
Emma: we wanted to thank you for what you did
Me: it was no problem really
Skyler: may I ask why you did it
Me: well he helped me a lot so I wanted to return the favor
Sara: are you sure your okay
Me: yeah I'm fine
I saw max and I smiled.
Me: well let me know how he's doing
Emma: where are you going
Me: well I told my parents I had more work to do
Sara: I thought you did it all last night for you to be free today
Me: yeah well I just remembered I have to do something
Sara: ok
Me: bye
I walked away and I saw nick and grabbed him by the arm.
Nick: hey what's up
Me: can I borrow your car
Nick: I thought you have a car
Me: yes but I need yours
Nick: ok
Me: here's mine
Nick: ok
Me: meet me at my house at 10
Nick: ok
I left.

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