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(Skyler POV:)
I was at the super hero secret service and I was working on tracking down Aj.
Emma: hey sky! What are you doing
Me: um...
Emma: what are u up to Skyler
Me: I'm trying to see where Adrian is
Emma: how so
Me: well remember a long time ago we put a tracker on everyone
Emma: but does he even have it anymore
Me: that's what I'm trying to do
Emma: any luck
Me: no
Then Sara came in.
Sara: hey guys
Emma: hey
I looked at her and then looked away.
Sara: what are u guys doing
Me: nothing
Emma looked at me weird.
Me: what
Emma: are u ok
Me: yeah why
Emma just looked at me.
Sara: are u sure ur ok
Me: yes Sara thank you
Sara: are u mad at me
I gave her a dirty look.
Sara: why are you mad at me
I ignored her.
Sara: Skyler!?
Me: what?
Emma: well
Sara: why?
Me: cause your helping him
Sara: who's him
Me: Adrian. Who else
Sara: what would I be helping him
Me. Really! U hid him for 2 years and you were helping Peterson
Sara: the only reason I did that because he was threatening me ok
Me: then where did u go the other day
She stood there silent.
Me: where did u go?!
Sara: I went to go see...... Adrian
Emma: wait what?
Me: how did u find him
Sara: I tracked him down
Me: where is he?
Sara: at one of Peterson houses
Me: take us to him
Sara: guys I can't
Me: Sara!!
Emma: please! We need to see him
Sara: fine
She took us to go see Aj. We were at the front of the house.
Sara: Jim! I need to talk to Aj
Jim: again? Weren't u just here
Sara: Jim!!
Jim: he's busy Sara
Sara gave him a dirty look.
Jim: ok
He walked off and we waited. Then he we saw Aj coming out of the front door.
Emma: Aj
We noticed he looked different. And he was looking at Sara.
Adrian: what do you want
Me: we need to talk
Adrian: no we don't. I'm busy.
Emma: Adrian!
He rolled his eyes.
Me: what happened back there Aj?
Adrian: what do u mean?
Me: in the past? What did He tell u
Adrian: what he's been telling all my life
Emma: Aj look we can figure something out together
Adrian: can't you see we've been trying for years but it's hasn't changed anything
Emma: so what ur giving up
Adrian: that's not how I'll put it
Emma: Aj we need you! Ur kids need u! There hurting right now
Adrian: you don't think I know that!
Emma walked up to him.
Emma: hon? Please?
She touched his face. He grabbed her hand and backed away.
Adrian: Jim take them away
Emma: Aj!
He stopped by the front door and looked at us.
Sara: Aj!! Wait!
She ran up to him and they were talking. I looked at Emma confused.
Jim: Sara! U guys have to go
Sara walked back to us and we left.
Me: what was that about
Sara: I was just telling him not to do it alone and stuff
Emma: I can't believe it
Me: believe what
Emma: he's literally not the same Person anymore like it's weird
Me: yeah
Emma: what I don't get it how? I mean we had time to figure how to get him back to normal
Me: that trip must have drained him so much that time sped up
(Max POV:)
Brian: hey max
Me: hey
Brian: can I have the thing
Me: ya here
Brian: so how are u doing with all this
Me: I'm getting there
Brian: yeah same
Me: I'm just worried
Brian: for dad?
Me: well yeah and Jenna
Brian: why Jenna
Me: cause I feel like she's going to do something stupid to fix everything
Brian: is she blaming herself
Me: yeah
Brian: why? It's not her fault
Me: well cause she knew what was going to happen but she didn't say anything
Brian: oh yeah. But still
Me: yeah
Brian: well I need to go home to Kelli
Me: is ur mom not there
Brian: no she's meeting with ur mom
Me: oh yeah got it
Brian: ok bye
Me: bye
He walked out of m room and went to take a shower in my bathroom then I changed and went to my bed and noticed that someone was in my room.
Me: hello?
Then someone came from behind me.
Lucy: boo
Me: Jesus! U scared me!
Lucy: sorry
Me: what are you doing
Lucy: I came to see what u we're doing. Are u alone
Me: yeah
Lucy: oh
She leaned in for a kiss. We kissed. I pushed her up against the wall. She started to take off my shirt but then we heard and knock. We stopped and backed away.
Jenna: max?
She opened the door.
Jenna: oh sorry. Just wanted to see if u were home
I noticed she kept looking at Lucy. Then she closed the door.
Lucy: what's with ur sister?
Me: huh?
Lucy: does she hate me
Me: I honestly don't know
Lucy: well
I leaned for a kiss.
Lucy: well I should go. I just came to say hi
Me: ok well see u later
Lucy: bye
Me: bye she left and I walked it Jenna's room and knocked.
Jenna: come in
I walked in and she was on her bed in her phone.
Jenna: hey max
Me: what's with u
Jenna: what
Me: do u hate Lucy
Jenna: it's not that max ok
Me: then?
Jenna: can we drop it please
I noticed that she was hurting really bad about the whole dad thing. She got up and was going to leave her room until I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. I hugged her tightly and she did the same. Then she started crying.

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