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(Adrian POV:)
I was at my house in New York. Just watching tv. I was so exhausted. Then I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and turned off the tv and headed to the door and opened it.
Sara: hey
Me: hey
Sara: can I come in
Me: ya
I let her in.
Me: is everything ok
Sara: ya why
Me: ur acting weird
Sara: well I am weird
Me: okay
Sara: so what are u doing
Me: nothing just here being lazy
Sara: well that hasn't changed
I rolled my eyes
Me: want a drink
Sara: sure what do u have
Me: um beer, wine, water, juice, tea,
Sara: I'm water is fine
Me: ok
I walked to the kitchen and got her a water and got myself a beer.
Me: here u go
Sara: Thanks
She drink some.
Sara: so how's everyone in Ninjago
Me: good
Sara: have you talked to them
Me: ya like 3 days ago
I Checked my phone and noticed there were a lot of miss calls from Emma and my phone
Me: oh wow
Sara: what
Me: look
Sara: damn
Me: ya I'll call them later
Sara: why didn't u answer earlier
Me: I left my phone here by accident
Sara: oh
Me: ya
Sara: so how's the kids
Me: great ya
Sara: how's training
Me: ya no everything is great they learn fast
Sara: really
Me: ya
Sara: wait since ur away who's training them
Me: Lloyd and Kai
Sara: ah
Me: yup
Sara: so anything new
Me: no you?
Sara looked away.
Me: what
Sara: what
Me: what's wrong
Sara: why do You keep asking me that
Me: cause I know u to well to know when ur hiding something
Sara: I'm not Aj
Me: really
Sara: ok I came to talk not fight
Me: ok then tell me the truth
Sara: Adrian I'm fine!!!
Me: really
Sara: ya
Me: ok then why did u go back to go talk to Peterson
Sara: what
Me: u heard me
Sara just looked at me.
Me: I thought u weren't hiding anything
Sara: Adrian u have no idea
Me: I don't really that for the past 17 years you've been working with Peterson
Sara: u don't get it do u. I don't have a choice
Me: no I know u don't that's why ur mom wants me to help u
Sara: my mom
Me: ya she sent me here after she saw the video of u and Peterson
Sara: unbelievable
Me: what's going on
Sara: nothing
Me: oh really
Sara: look can u just back off
Me: no Sara what is he making you do
She looked down and looked at me. Her eyes turned red and her hair turned black and she blasted her powers towards me.
Me: Sara
Sara: you don't get it he's not only in my head
Me: ya I do
Sara came at me and i pushed her up against the wall. I was holding her by her neck.
Me: Sara please I don't want to hurt
Sara: to late for that
She head bumped me.
Peterson: stop!!
We both looked at each other's and she smiled and he hair went back to blonde and her blue green eyes. I turned around
Peterson: Adrian
Me: what
Peterson: you don't seem surprised to see me
Me: come on I ain't stupid
Peterson Gave me a smirk
Peterson: why must we fight
Me: I don't know u tell me
Peterson: look Adrian u can't runaway from ur destiny
Me: who says I'm running
Peterson: well I don't see u accepting ur destiny
I gave him a glare.
Me: how do U want me to accept it did u
Peterson: ya I did and it took me a while to figure out I can't runaway from it and guess what pal ur going through the same path
Sara: Peterson
Peterson: shut up Sara now let's get this over with
He pulled out a heart.
Peterson: now I know ur a family kinda guy like you protect people u love
Me: ya
Peterson: well let's see how this plays out
Me: what
Peterson squeezed the heart and Sara started to groan
Peterson: want to take a guess on who's heart this is
Sara was groaning louder. She fell onto the ground.
Me: what do u want
Peterson: you on my side working with me or u know we can do a recap of the past you watching ur love one die
Me: if I join u then you'll leave her alone and the rest of my family
Peterson: I promise
Sara: Adrian...don't please I can't let u do this again
Peterson looked at me.
Peterson: deal or no deal and she does
I looked down.
Me: Deal
Peterson: break the deal and I will make u regret it
He let go of her heart.
Peterson: meet me at my house tomorrow Adrian
He left. I grabbed Sara's heart and put it back in her chest. I picked her up and put her on the couch
Sara: why did u do that
Me: what do u mean
Sara: Adrian what About ur family
Me: they won't know
Sara: so what your going to be living a double life again
Me: ya I guess so
Sara: well here we go again

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