"Hes Losing It.."

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(Veronica POV:)
I was in Ninjago after Sara calling me and telling me what was going on. I got to Ninjago and headed to my mom house. I got there and knocked on the door and liv answered.
Liv: omg!! Veronica!!
Me: hi liv omg you look so pretty
Liv: thanks come in
I walked in.
Mom: liv who's at the door
She saw me.
Mom: Veronica!
She came up to me and hugged me tightly.
Mom: I'm so glad your here
Me: me too
Mom: come sit
We sat on the couch.
Mom: so how's New York going
Me: going great
Mom: that's good to here
Me: I would ask how everything is going here but I already know
Mom: right
Me: I'm sorry i wasn't here sooner
Mom: it's ok
Me: and sorry for not calling or visiting
Mom: I'm just glad your here now
Kelli: mom who's here
Mom: look who it is
Kelli: Veronica
Me: hi princess how are you today
Kelli: great. I missed you so much
Me: me too
She came and sat on my lap.
Kelli: how long are you here for
Me: for as long as you guys want me here
Kelli: yay!
Mom: yay indeed
Kelli: well I'm going to go play now
Mom: ok
Kelli went upstairs.
Liv and sat on the couch next to us.
Mom: everyone is going to be happy your back
Me: great that's good to here
Mom: yeah we can go tomorrow to the superhero secret service
Me: ok sounds good
Mom: yeah so how's Leo? Marriage?
Me: he's great. It's going great
Mom; that's good
Me: yeah speaking of that there is something I have to tell you
Mom: yeah
Me: I'm pregnant
Mom: really?
Me: yeah
Mom: omg that's great hon.
Liv: I'm going to be an aunt
Me: yes ma am
Mom: wait does he know
Me: Leo. No he doesn't I don't know how to tell him
Liv: just do what mom did
Me: oh yeah
Liv: wait what did you do
Mom: I just told him at our house remember Veronica you were there
Me: yeah I remember
Liv: well there you go
Me: yeah
Mom: well you must be exhausted from coming from New York
Me: yeah
Mom: well go unpack in your room and I'll make you something to eat
Me: that will be great
Mom: okay
I got up and grabbed my stuff and walked upstairs. I went to my old room. I unpacked and I heard there was someone in Brian's room. I knocked on the door. Brian opened the door.
Brian: Veronica!
Me: hey
He gave me a hug.
Brian: what are you doing here
Me: I'm here to visit I haven't seen you guys in a while
Brian: yeah
Me: how you been
Brian: good
Me: that's great
Brian: yeah
Me: well how are you guys doing with dad gone
Brian: it's hard on everyone
Me: oh
Brian: is that why ur actually here
Me: no I'm here for you guys
Brian: okay
Me: well moms making food
(Adrian POV:)
I was home just sitting in the Layer. I was playing with my powers. Trying to Learn how to control them. But no luck. They keep getting stronger and stronger by the minute.
Jim: hey Aj
Me: yeah
Jim: you have a visitor
Me: yeah who is it
Sara: so long no see stranger
Jim: I'll leave you guys alone
Sara: thanks Jim
He went back upstairs and shut the door.
Sara: so I'm guessing this is where u spend most of your time
Me: what do you want Sara
Sara: to talk
Me: bout
Sara: what do you mean about...!?
I rolled my eyes.
Sara: Adrian when are you coming home
Me: uh I am home
Sara: I meant to your family
I looked away.
Sara: huh?
Me: I don't know
Sara: do you even have a plan for what your doing next
I looked at her.
Sara: your family needs you ok Jenna is blaming herself and max well he's loosing control of his powers like you did when Peterson was controlling you
Me: what
Sara: yeah
Me: I can't go back. If I go back now he way I am I'm putting them in danger Sara ok! I can't risk it
Sara: so what your planning to love here all of your life. And what miss your kids grow up
Me: what choice do I have
Sara: I don't know Aj.
Me: what do u know
Sara: I know that out Aj isn't a quitter and he would do anything for his family
Me: you mean the same family that brought me pain throughout my whole life
Sara: I thought you were over this
Me: who said that
Sara: you did a long time ago
Me: right
Sara: Aj I'm serious! Stop acting like..
She stopped.
Me: stop acting like what Sara?!
Sara just kept looking at me.
Me: like what!
Sara: like Peterson. He pushed everyone away and look at where he ended up
Me: and what's so bad about that
Sara then slapped me.
Sara: your loosing it Aj
I looked at her. She walked back upstairs and slammed the door. I grabbed the family photo that was on my desk and threw it at the wall and it broke. I sat down on my chair.
(Sara POV:)
I went outside and was waking towards my car.
Lucy: he's loosing it...huh?
I stopped and looked behind me. And I saw Lucy.
Me: Lucy? What are you doing here
Lucy: training
Me: wait Aj trains you
Lucy: yeah
Me: what do you mean by he's loosing it
Lucy: well he's not the same person he acts more like Peterson
Me: yeah he does
Lucy looked behind her.
Me: so what's your deal
Lucy: what
Me: yeah like why are u doing all of this
Lucy: I'm not evil like my parents ok. I don't want to be like them.
Me: ok so what's your plan
Lucy: well Aj is helping me but I feel like it's just making him worse
Me: oh
Lucy: I want to help them liked he helped me get back on my feet.
Me: have any ideas
Lucy: yeah I do
Me: look I want to help him to ok. How about we work something out. Deal?
Lucy:.... Deal.

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