"Are you mad at me?"

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(Courtney POV:)
Me: ok guys we need to talk about what we're going to do next
Nya: well I can't figure out what he is up to
Kai: Well what would he be doing
Allan: I don't know it's really hard to tell with Aj
Crystal: true that
Jay: but what do we do then
Skyler: wow this is harder than it seems
Leah: ok what did Peterson do? After he went evil you know
Skyler: well he picked up his fathers plan
Sara: ya which was getting done Aj
Leah: did Peterson have another plan
Sara: not that we know....
She paused. We looked at her.
Skyler: Sara what is it
Sara: I'm trying to think wait...
Me: so if Peterson did that would Aj do that
Zane: pick up what Peterson was doing
Me: yeah
Nya: I don't know I mean it depends what kind of plan it is
Me: true
Maya: if only we could talk to him
Skyler: well
Ray: what?
Emma: we have
Kai: wait when
Emma: the other day.
Lloyd: how did u find him
Emma: Sara took us
Leah: how did u know where he was
Sara: I tracked him down
Me: well how is he
Emma: well he looks really different
Sara: yeah
Skyler: and he acts different too
Me: well..
Then Skyler assistant came in.
Lady: Skyler?
Skyler: yeah
Lady: you have a video conference today like In 10 min
Skyler: omg totally forgot. We'll have to go guys
Me: okay well talk more later ok
They were all walking out.
Me: Sara! Wait
She turned around and came to me.
Sara: yeah
Me: how Veronica doing
Sara: great. Why
Me: can u call her to see if she could help us
Sara: ya I'll call her right now
Me: wait does she know what's going on
Sara: I don't know
Me: ok thanks though
Sara: yeah
She walked out.
(Skyler POV:)
The meeting was over and I was heading out the office. Until I saw max and Lucy. They were laughing.
Lucy: well I have to go.
Max: where u going
Lucy: chill I'm going home. Family dinner
Max: ok
Lucy: I'll call u tonight ok
Max: ok
Lucy: bye love you
Max: bye
He turned around and saw me. Then he walked up to me.
Max: mom what's are u doing
Me: I'm going home
Max: ok
Me: so
Max: we're u spying on me
Me: no
Max: ok
Me: so u guys are a thing huh
Max: really
Me: what max
Max: let me guess u don't like her either
Me: max I didn't say that... wait who doesn't Like her
Max: never mind
Me: max
Max: Jenna
Me: why
Max: I don't know
I looked at him.
Nya: hey guys. Everything ok?
Me: ya
Nya: well just wanted to say bye
Me: goodnight
Nya: oh by the way the girl is really pretty max. Is she ur new girlfriend
Me: New?
Max: ya she is
Nya: well have to go bye
Max: bye
She left.
Me: new girlfriend?
Max: mom really
Me: sorry ok
Max smiled.
Me: let's go home
We got in the car and went home. We got home.
Me: Jenna we're home!
Jenna: hey mom and max
Me: hey hon
Max went upstairs.
Me: what happened now
Jenna: what
Me: why is he mad at u
Jenna: it's nothing mom
Me: oh really
She followed me to the kitchen.
Jenna: yeah
Me: so it has nothing to do with his new girlfriend
Jenna: how do u know about that
Me: look hon what is with u and Lucy
Jenna: nothing mom
Me: then
Jenna: she just gives me a bad feeling
Me: what do u mean
Jenna: I don't know mom
Me: well I think u should talk to ur brother
She looked at me.
Me: go while I'll make dinner
Jenna: fine
She walked upstairs.
Lloyd: hon we're home
Tobey: hey mom
Me: hi guys
Tobey: what's for dinner
Me: how does spaghetti sounds
Lloyd: sounds good. Where's max and Jenna
Me: upstairs
Lloyd: why
Me: you know
Lloyd: oh
(Jenna POV:)
I walked to Max's room.
Me: max? Can we talk?
Max: about
Me: come on max don't act stupid. You know of what
Max looked at me.
Me: max I'm sorry for everything.
Max: what
Me: about the other day
Max: wait u think I'm mad
Me: max I know u to well to know when ur mad
Max: I'm not mad Jen
I stared at him. Then my phone rang. I looked on who it is. It was jack.
Max: who is it
Me: it's um jack
Max: are u not going to answer
Me: yes
I walked out.
(In Phone Conversation)
Me: hello
Jack; hey
Me: hey what's up
Jack: just wanted to see if u were ok? I haven't heard from u in a while
Me: oh um sorry it's just I've been busy with family drama
Jack: is everything ok
Me: yeah yeah don't worry about it
Jack: ok well I just wanted to see if one day u wanted to hang out
Me: like a date?
Jack: yes like a date
Me: I would love to jack
Jack: great
Me: when
Jack: I don't know u tell me when
Me: does next Saturday work
Jack: yes whenever
Me; ok
Jack: ok well have to go. Mother is calling
Me: ok bye
(End of phone conversation)

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