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(Leah POV:)
We went to one of Peterson's houses. It was Adrian, Skyler, Lloyd, Sara, Ariana, Allan, Courtney and me and we were just waiting for Crystal.
Ariana: are you guys sure she's coming she's taking forever
Sara: it's normal for her
Then we saw her pulling up.
Crystal: sorry I'm late
Me: ok we're all here. Adrian open the gate
Adrian nodded.
Courtney: so every house that he has he has a gate
Sara: ya and he has a voice recondition and just a password
Allan: and you guys know it
Adrian: ya we do
Computer: please say your name
Adrian: Adrian Peterson
Computer: please enter pin
Adrian put in the password
Computer: welcome back Aj
Then the gate opened.
Adrian: ok come on
Me: Adrian Peterson?
Adrian: ya well
I smiled at him.
We walked to the house.
Allan: damn
Sara: right
We walked up to the door. And Adrian got the key out and opened the door. We walked in. Adrian clowned the door behind us.
Me: wow it looks like he remodeled it
Sara: ya this place looks different
Me: ok let's split up. Sara and Aj u guys take the basement Skyler and Lloyd take upstairs and Courtney, Allan and Ariana look down here and me and crystal will look in storage areas that he has
Crystal: ya we can look at his attic
Ariana: ok
Me and crystal went up to the attic and it was filled with boxes
Crystal: wow there are a lot of boxes
Me: ya there is. well let's get looking
We started searching and all we found were Peterson old stuff. Then we found Sara's box filled of her things from when she was little. I pulled out this doll.
Crystal: that was Sara doll
Me: wow
Crystal: ya she gave it up when she was 10
I put it down and kept looking. Then I found a box that said Adrian.
Me: hey crystal?
Crystal: yeah?
Me: look
She came and looked at it and looked at me.
Crystal: open it
I opened the box and there were papers and files and things in it.
Crystal: wait there's more boxes
Me: you know what let's just take it with us and will check it out at work
Crystal: ok
We shrunk the 2 boxes and put it in our pockets.
Crystal: ok well let's just quickly look around.
Crystal super speeded around the room.
Crystal: nope all the boxes are filled with clothes and useless junk
Me: ok let's go
(Sara POV:)
We were in the basement where Peterson has his tech.
Me: ok well u look on his computers and I'll do the papers and stuff.
Adrian: ok
He went up the computer and signed it and started looking and I started looking everywhere else. Then I looked at one of the lockers that were locked and opened it and there was Adrian old stuff in there.
Me: he Aj look I found ur old things
Adrian: what's in there
Me: your gun
Adrian: no way really
Me: ya
Adrian: what else
Me: your old suit that u wore when you were working for him
Adrian: wow
Me: find anything
Adrian: I'm yeah pictures of myself
Me: let me see
There were pictures of Adrian when he was living with Regina and maya and ray and when he was Cole and when he was hiding
Me: so he was following you around
Adrian: more like stalking
Me: well you know him
Adrian: wait look
Me: what
Adrian: he has videos of me training and using my powers
Me: so what he was studying you
Adrian: not me my power
Me: why though
Adrian: idk
Me: ok well keep looking there has to be something here
I looked at the drore and it was locked and I broke it opened and there was files in there. They all had the label plan. I grabbed them out.
Adrian: what did u find
Me: files
I read through them fast.
Me: look at this one
Adrian: what's it say
Me: the curse
Adrian: wait what
Me: here
I gave him the files.
Me: look there's a picture of a symbol
I noticed that he looked at it. Like if he's seen it before.
Me: what
Adrian: this looks familiar
Me: where have u seen it
Adrian: I don't remember where but I know I've seen it
Me: ok well try to remember
Adrian: ok
Me: well we got everything we wanted now let's go
We walked up.
Adrian: hey here I'll be right there
Me: ok
He gave me the papers and I walked upstairs to the living room where they were at.
Courtney: find anything
Me: ya these papers you guys..
Ariana: we found food
I smiled.
Lloyd: nothing it looks like they cleaned up stairs
Skyler: yeah
Crystal: well we found these two boxes
Mom: where's Aj
Me: in the basement he said he be right back
Allan: ok
(Adrian POV)
Me: hey here I'll be right there
Me: ok
I gave her the papers. She walked up and I went by the locker. Then I saw a box and opened and there were things in it. Then I found a necklace it was the same as the picture of the symbol on the papers. I put it in my pocket. I walked up and saw everyone in the living room.
Sara: took you long enough
Me: sorry
Mom: what we're u doing
Me: looking through this locker
Sara: oh find anything
Me: nope
Sara: well let's go

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