The Truth

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(Lucy POV:)
I was heading to the superhero secret service after max calling me and asking me to meet them there. I went and walked to the conference room and saw the whole Ninjago family there.
Adrian: Lucy you made it
Me: hi
Adrian: how are you
Me: great. Hi everyone
Everyone: hi
I saw Jenna and she was really nervous.
Me: so I'm guessing you want to know what my family is up to.
Skyler: yeah
Me: okay um before I tell you there is something you guys should know
I looked at Jenna and she freaking out.
Adrian: what? What is it?
Jenna got up and walked up to me and in front of her family and gave me a mad look.
Max: what's going on
She turned and looked at them. Then she turned into Anna.
Max: what the heck
Skyler: what's going on
Jenna: okay so I'm dressed as Anna
Adrian: Anna
Jenna: yeah
Me: so max do you remember when I told you I have a BFF name Anna and I've known her since we were 5 and we're like sisters and that you wanted to meet her
Max: yeah
Me: well what I didn't tell you is that Anna is actually your twin sister Jenna
Liv: what
Jenna: surprise
Max: but you said she was like part of your fam and people sometimes confuse her as your actual sister or an Osborn
Jenna: well she ain't wrong about that. I know her parents
Liv: so you guys are BFFs
Me: yeah
Brian: but Jenna acted like she didn't like you
Jenna: yeah acted
Emma: okay this is huge
Jenna: and now for the big reveal. Lucy..
Me: right so my mom is going to make me leader
Jenna: which is bad because when she becomes leader her mom can control and well Lucy is um..
I looked at her with a glare.
Me: is what?
Jenna: you know
Me: no I don't
Jenna: well let me put it this way you destroyed my dads power and that's he had JJ's power
Me: so
Jenna: never mind
Crystal: who's JJ
Jenna: oh that's Peterson
Skyler: Jj?
Jenna: that's what our nickname to him
Ariana: wait you met Peterson
Jenna: yeah um he was close to the Osborn's and I being Anna was always around them and Peterson was always at their house
Me: yeah
Then Jenna's phone rang. But it was in my back pocket.
Max: is that Jenna's phone
Jenna: how can you tell
Max: the ringtone
Jenna: haha very funny. Actually where is my phone
Me: here
I handed her the phone.
Me: who is it?
Jenna: your mom
Me: my mom? Why is she calling you
Jenna: how should I know
Me: well answer
Jenna: hey mrs Osborn...yeah why....oh um the key is in the other room... yeah....haha good one
I saw her family and they were confused.
Jenna: ok... yeah I'll be there later... ok bye
Me: what did you want
Jenna: the key
Me: oh for the tubing
Jenna: yeah
Me: wait I thought you had it in your room
Jenna: yeah I did but your needed it the other day so I brought back and put in her office and I think she thought that I took it again
Me: so that's why she called
Adrian: so wait...your mom is gonna make you leader
Me: yeah
Max: so what do we do now
Jenna: well.. at least know one has told her that you helped my dad not be evil anymore
Me: true. Bye how long do you think that's going to last
Jenna: I'll take care of that
Me: okay
Skyler: so it's their anything else we need to know
Jenna looked at me and I nodded.
Jenna: there's one more thing
Skyler: what is it
Jenna: so last night Mrs Osborn sent me and Lucy and Austin on a mission.
Adrian: what kind of mission
Me: my mom sent us to find the crown and the staff that has the powerful stones
Adrian: wait what
Jenna: yeah
Skyler: you the stones that Peterson dad had.
Me: yeah
Emma: wait Peterson's dad have them
Skyler: yeah Peterson's dad had them and that whilst made him so powerful and evil.
Adrian: the stones have so much evil power that it can make you loose control. Unless you learn how to control it but it's hard to do that
Lloyd: so you guys want to go get it. Why?
Me: well my mom is staring a new tradition villain academy. Which is that the new leader get it
Max: so you would get it
Me: yeah
Liv: wait how many stones are there
Me: 2. One in the crown and a big one in the staff.
Jenna: and after Lucy becomes leader her mother will be able to control her
Emma: so what are we going to do
Me: have no idea
Adrian: do you know when she is going to make you leader?
Me: no I don't
Jenna: well we need a plan
Me: yeah
(Osborn's POV:)
I went to see the stones that Lucy brought me.
Me: Tom tell the team to be ready for the next plan
Tom: yes Mrs Osborn
Me: our next target is Jenna!!

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