First off, I need a few more questions! :D I only have two!
Remember, they can be anything, and I think I'm gonna add to it a bit- I've seen on Tumblr some authors do a Q&A with their OCs. So, you all can also ask Alana, Sam Gray, and Dana questions! Unless they're impossible or big spoilers for The New Shane, they'll be answered :)
And now, a quick note.
Guys, I love pranks. They're, well, pranks. They're fun. But it is not funny to joke around and 'prank' someone and make them think that you are seriously injured or any other extreme cases.
I'm a little sensitive to that. I'll get scared one of my friends is actually in trouble.
Normally I have trust issues, but with close friends like I have on Wattpad, I'll begin to think something might really be wrong.
I don't want to be rude, but please quit it. And if you do any 'pranks' like that, leave me out of it, because it is not funny.
But if something IS wrong, tell me, because I'd want to support you.
But stuff's been happening in the Slugterra area of Wattpad and I'm at this point not sure what to make out of all of it, either crazy stuff is happening or some people are pulling pranks.
So yeah.
To avoid ending this tiny update on too negative of a note, I found this post on Tumblr by princeofmints. And busted up laughing when I read it
"when I'm sad I like to think that Twist had a really dorky name before he became Twist.
like maybe he used to be darwin
or sheldon
or maybe even steve"
Guys can't you just imagine Twist being named Sheldon XD XD XD
I mean I'm not making fun of the name
But seriously
So yeah, send some more questions in PLEASE! :)
Cyan out!
The Teenage Book
Ngẫu nhiênRants, opinions, stories, school, fangirling, all fun stuff that we go through.