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I was inspired for this as my cat decided that 2:00 am was the perfect time to be tearing through the house like a maniac. And when she finished, she jumped up on my bed and fell asleep on top of me.

What sort of pets do you all have? 'Cause I live on a farm, so I have a lot.

Inside the house, we have a cat, who isn't really any breed in particular. Her name is TinkerBell. She's mainly brown, but with different shades, some stripes, and some orange and cream mixed in. She has green eyes. And a little on the chubby side. Tink is... six? Seven? I can't really remember. She's awesome, loved attention, knows our bedtime, and when we should be awake in the mornings. She's actually up on my bed with me as I'm typing this. The only thing she doesn't like is being picked up, and we aren't really sure why. When we adopted her she was a little mean, but she's great now :)

Outside is when the interesting animals come in.

We have an abundance of outdoor cats. So. Many.

So I decided to make a big list! The first one is longer, but only because she has more of a story and stuff. Warning: for a lot of cats, we didn't really pay attention to their gender... some were named when I was too young to even give a crap, so, yeah. There's a couple weird names for a she-cat/tom, it's not a typo, just me not caring :D Here we go!

Mira Nova - The only cat we have with a middle name, Mira is my favorite outdoor cat ever :) She's seven or eight. We rescued her from an old farm, my dad surprised me with her when I was coming home from preschool. She's got green eyes and is calico and starting to turn a little gray. Mira was named after Princess Mira Nova (or something like that) from Buzz Lightyear (I was, like, seven when I named her...). She's a pretty awesome hunter and fighter. But she also loves being held and stuff. Overall, she's great, and I wish we could have her inside. But Tink is a territorial brat and is intolerant of any other cats.

Tigerlily- He (yes, he) is pretty bad*ss looking. Like, he looks like he could kill... anything. He has fluffy orange and white fur, green eyes, and just has this look to him. But he's a sweetheart. He used to be Mira's mate and even now they do really cute stuff, the other day I found them curled up together asleep on the porch <3 Wow. I ship my cats. I have no life.

Athos- Names after the Musketeer. Athos is orange and white, green eyed, and he has super long claws. And they are sharp. :D But he isn't a fighter, he is in all honesty pretty dumb.

Bellatrix- Harry Potter fans will understand her name. She's got a serious attitude. She has pretty gray fur and green eyes (*cough* Stonefur *cough*) And she's been through a lot, too. A coyote attacked, so she has scars on her face and only one eye (*cough* Brightheart *cough*). And, lastly, she just broke her jaw, so it's lopsided (*cough* Crookedstar *cough*)

Fluffy and Fluffy- We used to have 3 Fluffies, named after Fluffy from Harry Potter (3 headed dog). But now we only have two. One is a boy, and he liked to bite. One is a girl, she also likes to bite. :D The she-cat has kittens, but I've never seen them. Only heard them. They're high up, so I can't see them

D'artagnan- Like Athos, named for the Musketeer. Pronounced dar-tan-yun. She's calico with green eyes, and has two kittens. She's a little antisocial around everyone else, but loves me :D

Katara- D'artagnan's daughter, a kitten. She has brown striped fur and green eyes. She is very lazy.

Twist- D'artagnan's son, almost identical to Katara, just a little bigger. Twist is energetic and usually getting into a fight with the older cats. Slugterra fans will understand his name ^-^

Muffin- She got her name from the Kane Chronicles. Muffin has cool fur, it's brown and all swirly, and has a ginger spot on her forehead. She has four kittens, but they aren't named yet (they're really young)

Cupcake- According to my sister, we cannot have a Muffin without a Cupcake. He's darker cream tabby with one green eye. The other is cloudy black-dark blue, no pupil, he can't see out of it and we aren't sure why.

Hmmm.... I feel like I'm missing a few. I don't know. Magenta, if you're reading this, did I get them all? XD

On with the chapter!

We have dogs, all German Shepherds. Disney, Bus, Ava, and two puppies that we're trying to sell. Not much story there, I'm not a dog person :D

Next we have cattle. I won't go into detail on them. Not all of them are named, we've only named Mrs. Easter Bunny and Mrs. Midnight.

Okay, explaining needs to be done.

Yeah, Mrs. Easter Bunny, you read that correctly. I named her that, when I was five/six.

The calf was born right after I had discovered that Mom was pregnant with my little sister. And for some reason, I was just bent on naming my little sister Mrs. Easter Bunny (remember, I'm five/six). I'd say that every time my mom asked me for name ideas. Finally, Mom came up with a compromise and said I could name this calf Mrs. Easter Bunny instead.

So, yeah. #-_-

Next up, ducks. Right now we have two Pekin ducks (that's their breed. They're stereotypical white-yellow ones). Named Donald and Daisy. Haha I'm original.

Not really, those names aren't mine don't sue me Disney

And then we get pigs to show at the state fair. We buy them in early spring and sell them to market in late July/early August. So right now we don't have any.

What kind of pet/s do you guys have? If you don't have any pets, if you could have pets what would you have?

Love to hear about them in the comments!

Cyan out!

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