Chapter 10

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Via's POV

     Unfortunately, Saturday morning arrived. I had two incredible moths here in New York. Lots of things had happened, some of which I never even imagined in my wildest dreams. As I headed to the bus station, all I could think about was Sebastian. Why is this guy always on my mind?!? What's going on? I remembered how I had to cut his throat in the middle of Starbucks and how surprisingly cute he looked after surgery, but mostly I remembered how it felt to be touched by him. That feeling would haunt me for a long time.

               I arrived at my apartment in Baltimore just around noon. I ate some meal I had in the freezer and decided to watch a movie on Netflix before I started unpacking. I still had the rest of the day and the following to put my stuff away.

Via's POV - Two weeks later

                 The day had been though. I had received a car crash victim and had stayed in the OR for four hours. Unfortunately, she hadn't survived. Once I left the OR, I decided to go rest for five minutes in the on-call room before I faced the final hour of my shift. That's when I heard my name on the speakers. What now?!? 

"Dr. Olivia Reeves, reception please, Dr. Olivia Reeves." 

              I sighed and headed down to the reception. Once there I asked the receptionist why had I been called. She told me a patient was here to see me. 

"Who is it? I don't recognize anybody." 

"It's that guy over there at the water fountain." 

            The guy at the water fountain had his back facing me. Something seemed familiar about him. Before I could finish my thought, he turned around. It was Sebastian. What is he doing here? He smiled at we and started walking my way. I met him halfway. 

"What are you doing here?"

 "Hello to you too, Via. I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

 "I didn't mean to be rude... it's just that I had a really though day and I'm really tired. Sorry."

 "It's ok, I was just joking with you.", he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "Want to go eat something?" 

"I can't, I still have an hour left till my shift ends. And Sebastian, you still didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?" 

"We're friends, aren't we? I decided to come visit you. That's all. And don't worry, I'll wait for you to finish your shift."


                     75 minutes later I was meeting Sebastian at the reception.

 "Wow, you look tired." 

"Someone knows how to compliment a girl... but yes, I am. I haven't slept in ages and haven't eaten since breakfast." 

"Come on, sweetie, I'll take you somewhere to eat.", he said as he wrapped an arm around my waist. 

              I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow his arm around my waist felt right. We headed outside and stopped at the first diner we saw. We ordered something that wouldn't take long. After we ate, we just paid and headed outside to call an Uber.

Sebastian's POV

               Not long after we got inside the Uber, Via told me the passcode to her apartment and gave me her keys, just in case she fell asleep. She soon leaned her head on the window and passed out. A few moments later we arrived at her apartment and she was still sleeping. I told the driver to end the trip. I carefully tried to pick Via up. I managed to enter the passcode she had told me before she fell asleep. I told the doorman who I was and asked him to call the elevator for me. I got to her door and dug in her bag for her keys. I finally found them and took her inside. I fumbled for the lights and turned them on. She had a neat apartment. Clean in every sense of the word. I walked down the hall and went into her open bedroom. I pulled the sheets and laid her on the bed. As I covered her up, I felt something pull my arm.

 "Don't leave.", Via murmured.

              I don't know to which degree she was conscious about what she just asked me. All I know is that I didn't have the courage to deny her. I had barely laid down on the bed when she moved and put her head on my chest as her arms went around me. Then and there I knew I was in love with her.

Via's POV

              As I woke up the next morning and headed to the bathroom, I suddenly smelled eggs.

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