Chapter 16

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Via's POV

            We leave the bathroom blushing and biting our lips. Once we are back at our tables, all eyes are on us. 

"So, did anything interesting happen in there?", one of Seb's friends asks. 

"None of your business...", I say before Seb's friend tells everyone about our makeout session. 

"Ooooh!", everyone exclaims.

 "You should apply cold water to that burn before it gets worse.", I say smiling. 

           I turn back to my drink. The first lines of a familiar song start playing. I really feel like dancing... I turn around and it's like Sebastian had read my mind. He is already standing, offering me his hand.

 "Shall we?" 

"Yes please, Seabass!", I say as I take his hand. 

           He leads us to the dance floor. While we're dancing, the way he keeps looking at me makes it really hard for me not to kiss him in front of everybody.

           The time finally came when we had to leave. Although I had enjoyed that night very much, I was glad I was heading back home. I was quite tired. We quickly got inside Seb's car. Before I know it, he leans towards me and holds my face with both his hands. I blush and lower my eyes. He lifts my chin, making me resume eye contact with him.

 "I love it when you blush."

 "I can't seem to control it when I'm around you..." 

"Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

 "Not in the last five minutes..." 

"Well then, let's correct that... I love you, Olivia Grace Reeves. And I'm the luckiest man alive cause I get to kiss you just because I can." 

"Smooth... going all Michael Bublé on me now, are you?"

 "Is it working?", he smirks. 

"You bet it is." 

               He puts one of his arms on my waist and leans in. But, just as our lips are less than an inch apart from each other, he stops. 

"Via, will you be my girlfriend?" 

                 I lean in and brush his lips with mine.


                He finally kisses me. After a few seconds he starts deepening the kiss. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his other arm around my waist. I start combing his hair with my fingers. It feels so good. Suddenly his lips leave mine and travel down to my neck. I gasp. 


"Hmmm?", he murmurs into my neck. 

"Come spend Christmas with me..." 

"In LA?"

 "Yes... there's more than enough room for you and your parents. You'll meet the whole Reeves-Gusmán family."

 "That sounds like a good idea... I always spend Christmas with my parents, just the three of us at their house. It would be nice to have a non-white Christmas for once. I'll talk to them and let you know as soon as possible."

 "You can spend New Year with us too..." 

"Looks like I'm calling my friends and cancelling our plans..."

 "No... I don't want you to bail on your friends and change your plans just because of me." 

"But you're worth it. I always spend New Year with them. They won't die if I don't spend it with them this year." 

"You'd really do that? For me?"

 "You're my girlfriend and I love you. Of course I'll change my plans to be with you!"

 "Say it again..."


"The girlfriend part." 

"Via, you're my girlfriend and I love you." 

                I lean my head and land it on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around. He kisses me once more then starts the car. Once we get to Cami's apartment, he kisses me goodbye. We let the kiss linger a little before separating. I finally head upstairs, hardly believing that the night I just had actually happened.     

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