P1. The Job

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Yuuri POV

i opened my eyes and imediately regretted that decision. the sun shining through my window almost blinded me. i groaned as i got up and went to do my usual morning routine. when i went to the kitchen, my mom was there cooking breakfast and my dad reading the newspaper.

"good morning Yuuri!" my mom greeted me with a smile on her face.

"good morning mom" i answered back.

"so do you have any idea on what job to get?" she asked.

"i have no idea at all. maybe i'll try whatever is available."

"great because i saw this poster when i went to buy groceries stating that the Tsar of Russia is looking for a helper. you've been to Russia before so i was hoping you could try it. the pay is also great." Russia? huh.. i've never went back there in like 2 years. but if the pay is high, i guess i'll give it a try.

"are you sure you want me to go there?"

"well you have no other choice. companies here are not hiring at the moment."

"uhhmm, i guess i could try."

"fantastic. here, i actually grabbed the poster. take it with you to Russia. you knoe your way around right?"

"yes mom. i know my way." i actually forgot some places but whatever.

"okay. when will you go there?" 

"maybe in 3 days. i'd like to get ready properly." my mom smiled her smile that says 'i already prepared whatever you need'.

"i already packed your stuff dear." i knew it. she planned all this. i just sighed and thanked her. so i guess i'll go tomorrow then. i mean mom already packed what i need so it won't be a problem.

that night, i didn't really get any sleep bcause i am nervous of going to Russia. and work for the Tsar there. like, that is way too much. but if getting this job means that i can help with my family expenses then i will do my very best.

the next morning, i woke up earlier than usual since my flight is in 5 hours. i did my morning routine and i saw my mom carry out my packs.

"mom, it's okay. i'll take it from here." i said smiling at her.

"ohh thank you dear. hopefully you'll get the job. do write to us every now and then about how you're doing there okay?"

"yes mom." i hugged her and hugged dad too. i called for a cab and went to the airport. i looked at my watch and i still have an hour before my flight so i went to grab some snacks. i went to sit on one of the benches and waited.

before i knew it the announcer is telling something over the mic.

"the 10:00 flight bound for Russia is ready for boarding." i grabbed my stuff and went to the line up. i gave my ticket to and boarded the plane. after sometime, the doors closed and the pilot says we are ready for take off. i sighed and just sat back on my seat.


meanwhile in Russia...

Victor POV

"VICTOR!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD AND BE READY FOR YOUR POSITION!" i heard Yakov yell through the halls. i sighed and groaned. it's not like he's my real father anyway yet he acts like one. sometimes, i don't really like to become the next in line because my actions will become limited. just as i was walking down the halls i heard Yakov yell again.


"I AM COMMING!" i yelled back. as i made my way to him, i bumped into Yuri. he is like a younger brother to me but he is so spoiled and acts like a complete child.

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