Pt.5 WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!⚠⚠

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okay brohas!! the title says it all!! this ain't VictUuri part it's between Ivan and Yuri...

press the back button now if you no like!!!


previously on 'I Work For The Tsar'

  "STUPID IVAN UUGGHHH!!!" he yelled like a kid. i laughed and just went to do my other duties. those two really need to lower it down. i sighed and just shook my head.  


Yuri POV

that stupid Ivan ughh!! and what did he mean by 'demonstration'? i can't accept that! i rushed towards where Ivan turned. i saw him walking through the main corridors so i guess he's going to the main room. i chased after him and when i got close enough, i tried to kick his back. that was a bad move. he moved aside and before i hit the floor, he caught me. i looked up to him to see him smirking.

"you are getting predictable Yuri." he said with a laugh. i groaned and punched his face.

"shut up you stupid Ivan!" i yelled. he help his left cheek and smiled. then his eyes turned sharp and dangerous.

"that was a bad move you little kitten. i might as well punish you." he said darkly. i got shivers down my spine and before i could say anything else, he picked me up and started walking towards his room. i thrashed and squirmed trying to get away.

"let go of me!" i yelled.

"oh no no my dear. you will be punished. remember what i said by giving you a demonstration about the sounds you heard? well, you're about to experience it." he said. we made it to his room and he threw me on his bed. he crawled towards me and instantly spread my legs.

"it's actually great that you are very flexible. we're going to have a lot of fun." he said with a grin, his fangs showing. i blushed as i looked closely at his face. he is actually quite good looking. i felt my heart throb when he grabbed my waist and pulled me up causing me to straddle him. i blushed more and something is pushing me to kiss him. his smirk never left his mouth and i leaned in and kissed his lips.

i quickly pulled away and my face erupted with heat like a volcano. he laughed and leaned into my ear.

"do you want to play little kitty?" he asked seductively. i slowly nod my head.

"then remove your clothes." he demanded. i got up and slowly removed my clothes starting with my hoodie, then my shirt. i saw him lick his lips. i blushed and continued to remove my pants and boxers. i was so embarassed and covered myself.

"heehhhh. no covering Yuri. let me see your beautiful body." he said. i nod and removed my hands. i stood there infront of him blushing like hell.

"mmhhmm what a beautiful masterpiece. come here kitty." he demanded. i crawled towards him since we were on his bed. i got on his lap and he immediately attacked my neck leaving hickies here and there. i moaned loud when he brushed upon a certain spot below my chin.

"i found it~" he purred. he abused that spot leaving behind a purplish mark. he pulled away and looked at my flushed face.

"wait here kitty~" he purred and he got up. he went to his closet and pulled a black box. he moved towards me and opened the box. i can't really see what's inside but i feel myself get more excited. he dropped the content and my face immediately went red.

"these will be your toys. do you want to try them kitty?" on the bed layed the following: a rope, a dildo, anal beads, and blindfold. something clicked in my mind. so the noises i heard were moans? my eyes went wide. it appeared to be coming from Victor and that other Yuuri's room. then i finally understood. my mind immediately thought of a lot of dirty things that Ivan will be doing to me.

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