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okay it says in the title, there's going to be some dirty dirty stuff here yes it's a LEMON!!!!

so you no like? you skip to the next. but i won't be updating until tomorrow so...


okay to the story.


previously on 'I Work For The Tsar'

  "спокойной ночи, мой ангел. " i whispered slowly and hugged him closer to me and i felt myself slowly dozing off to sleep. 


Yuuri POV

i woke up and tried stretching my body when i realised that i was restricted from doing so. i turned my head around for a bit and saw Victor's sleeping face. i face immediately erupted and i quickly pulled away from him and went to the opposite side of the room. i was panting really hard and my heart is beating so fast. i saw him stir awake and seems to be finding my body. he stood up with his hair going in all direction and saw me. 

he actually looks really sexy with his bed hair. my eyes widen at what i just thought. i shook my head and i was about to go to the bathroom when he called out to me.

"Yuuri~ come back to bed with me~." he purred seductively. i blushed and shook my head and went straight to the bathroom. i placed my hand over my chest trying to calm my nerves. i finally calmed down and took off my clothes and went to take a bath. i heard the bathroom door open and i feared for my life.

"Yuuri~ i know you're here~" he said. good god i getting turned on by his husky deep voice. Victor opened the shower curtains and i covered my body.

"Victor! get out so i can take a bath!" i yelled, my face blushing like crazy. he smirked and pulled towards him. i squeaked a bit and before i knew it, his lips were on mine. i quickly pulled away and pushed him.

"what a-are yo-you doing?" i stuttered, my face all red and embarassed.

"i wanted to kiss you ever since i saw you the first time. i wanted to do things to you but i don't want to rush you. just say so." he said with a smile.

" are you?" i asked a bit confused.

"yes i am gay. i wanted to tell you i love you but i don't know if you'll accept me or not." my heart fluttered at his words i smiled at him and i reached out to cup his face.

"why didn't you say so earlier? i love you too Victor. but i don't want to upset Master Yakov since he wants you to find a bride. and we are on different class." i said.

"Yuuri, i don't care about the class. i only want to be with you. Yakov knows i'm gay and he agreed that i can pick a male bride."

"are you sure about this?" i asked a bit nervous.

"yes i am. and don't worry, we won't go fast. let's get to know each other more before we tell Yakov that i choose you." he said with a smile. i also smiled at him and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"what if i don't want to get to know you before we do something Master~?" i whispered seductively to his ear. his face turned red and he smirked at me.

"that was a dangerous move my dear." he whispered back. he kissed me roughly and i moaned into the kiss. he pushed me up against the bathroom wall and i immediately wrapped my legs around his waist. his hands went slowly down and cupped my ass cheeks. i moaned and he pulled away.

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