Pt.11 After Wedding(Songfic)

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okay for all the bunch of you, this will be like the continuation of the 'Forever And Always' chapter... well duh it says so in the title..

so anywaysssssssss!!!!

lez get on to the story!


Author-chan POV

as i saw the guest dancing and drinking, the four newly weds made their way towards me. they smiled and greeted me.

"congratulations on a successful wedding." i sadi. well duh of course it would be successful. i planned this day and made it possible from the very beginning.

"thank you. so 'captain', what is your name?" Victor asked. i wasn't prepared for that question. i hesitated a bit before sighing and finally answering.

"...well... you.... can... call me......." i whispered my name softly that it wasn't even typed in the conversation line.

"call you?" Ivan said. i sighed again.

"fine. call me Raven." i said smiling. the four of them also smiled.

"well Raven, thank you for making this day possible. i don't know where would we be without your help." Victor said.

"yes yes. i helped you a lot you know. remeber the little voices in your head telling you to confess your feelings and marry them? i was the one saying those voices." i said as i smirked. they laughed and we talked for a bit more before i excused myself. i made my way towards the podium where the mic is.

"okay. this is a song dedicated to those four happy newly weds right there." i said as i pointed at them. (A/N, i just borrowed this song from Westlife... so the lyrics kin of just proves that the grooms love their brides).

Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found its missing piece

Ivan's gaze fell to Yuri as he just stood there wide eyes and blushing like hell. Ivan grabbed Yuri's hands and kissed it.

"may i have this dance?" Ivan asked smirking. Yuri smiled and nod.

So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now till my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white

Victor's eyes fell into Yuuri who is so focused on the lyrics of the song. Victor smiled and laughed a bit.

"Yuuri? may i have this dance?" Victor asked as Yuuri replied with a smiling yes. the four couples made their way to the dance floor which the guests made a room for them.

What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this ring I say to the world
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every word

"you look very beautiful Yuuri. i can't wait to spend my time with you. Я люблю тебя." Yuuri smiled and leaned in.

"i can't wait to spend my time with you too. and i love you too Victor." Victor's eyes widened at the word that Yuuri said and froze for a bit.

"are you alright?" Yuuri asked all innocent.

"you... speak Ruski?!!" Victor asked out loud, getting the attention of Ivan and Yuri.

"yes i do. i've been to Russia before. i didn't want to give it away so i just went with the flow of not being able to speak Ruski." Yuuri said smiling. Victor's eyes was filled with sparkles and stars.

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