Pt.9 The Crown And The Rings (2)

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okay brohas, here is the next chapter....

do enjoy the story!!


previously on 'I Work For The Tsar'

  "YOU WENT OUT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND NOW YOU SAY IT'S A SECRET!? YOU WANT ME TO HIT YOU AGAIN?!!" and he hit me anyway. i laughed and just kissed him to stop his fuming anger. he sighed and just went with it. i' already tired so i quickly remove my clothes down to my boxers and went to bed. Yuri also went to bed and hugged me. i smiled and hugged him back. we shared one last kiss and went to sleep.  


Victor POV

okay... today... is... the... day... i woke up earlier than usual and i honestly am really nervous. it's time to take my duties as the next in line but then it's also my time to express hoe i really feel. i cannot control my nervousness now so i went to see Ivan. i approached his bed room door and burst in his room without knocking.

"IVAN! GET UP!!" i then proceeded to open his curtains to let light shine through. i saw him and he groaned a bit but did not wake up. i got annoyed and so i grabbed his blanket and pulled it with force.

"IVAN!!! I SAID WAKE UP!!" i looked down and saw Yurio looking pissed. oh my god. i know Yurio is the actual devil when he just woke up. i gulped a bit and saw Ivan sitting up.

"*yawn* oh hey Victor~ i suppose to be the one waking you up." then he looked at Yurio.

"you rest kitten. i'll get you some coffee." he said.

"you better unless you want your head to roll." Yurio said darkly and went back to sleep. Ivan got up and got ready. when he was all dressed, i grabbed his hand and lead him out his room and to my room. i closed my door and looked Ivan.

"IVAN!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO DO ON THIS DAY!!!!" i yelled. he just looked at me and smiled.

"Victor, calm down. deep breaths. don't want to wake up your sleeping angel." he said. i did as told and i calmed down. i looked down and i guess Ivan saw how nervous i am apart from me yelling to him.

"hey it's alright. i' very much nervous too. but i guess you have more problems since you are the next in line. but always remember this, i'll always be by your side. you told me that when we first met." he smiled. i smiled at his motivational words and nod. well i guess. i have Yuuri there and also i have Ivan. so maybe i won't mess it up.

"very well then Ivan. i think we should get ready. you should too. i want you to stand beside me at the church." i said.

"of course. whatever you say Victor." he smiled and i nod my head. he returned the gesture and went out. i looked over my sleeping angel and smiled. i kissed him awake and he began to stir awake.

"oh hey Victor~" he said sleepily.

"good morning my angel. i'm sorry to have wake you up earlier but would you mind helping Ivan with the decoration at the ball room?" i asked. i smiled and nod. he got up and went to get ready. once he got well dressed, i kissed his lips sweetly and he gladly kissed back. he smiled one last time and went out my room.

i also satrted to get fully  dressed since i' only wearing my robe. once i got fully dressed, i wen outside. since Ivan's room is the next room to the right of my bedroom, i saw him coming my way with a cup of coffee. which i'm pretty sure is for the beast inside his room. don't tell Yurio i made him a beast.

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