Pt.6 The Second Ball

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don't mind the dresses. i just like the design and color. anyways let's go back to the story!!!


previously on 'I Work For The Tsar'

  "don't pretend. i know you enough to know that smile." he said as he squints his eyes. i just shrugged and walked away. my smile replaced with a smirk. 


Ivan POV

it has been 2 days since the time i had sex with Yuri. he still feels sore so we never had a second time. mostly cuddles and kissed. the same goes for Victor and Yuuri. i smiled as i made my way through the halls. i was trying to find Master Yakv and saw him outside in the gardens.

i went up to him and called for his attention.

"Master Yakov, why don't we hold another ball. Master Victor wishes for a stress relief one last time before his corrination." i said politely.

"good idea Ivan. well then call the maids and other butlers to start the set up. by the way, where's Victor?" 

"he's in their room. sleeping. he stayed up all night for who knows the reason."

"and Yuri?"

"he's in my room. still complaining." he laughed and nod. i bowed a little and went to tell the news. after telling the other workers the set up, i made my way towards Victor and Yuuri's room. i didn't bother to knock and just went in.

"Victor! we will be holding another ball tonight so you better get ready!" i yelled and opened the curtains not caring if i just walked in on them making out.

"Ivan! knock next time!" he yelled and i saw Yuuri's face all red.

"oh please i don't care about knocking and you know it." he groaned and stood up.

"wait... a ball? tonight?" he asked.

"yes. so you better get ready. you too Yuuri. here are some pain killers for your sore backside." i smiled and gave him the medication.

"tha-thanks." he said. i walked out the room and made my way to our room. i opened it and saw my beautiful kitten sitting up. a slight pained look visible on his face. i smiled at him.

"how is my little kitty today?" he glared at me.

"shut up! why did you have to do me so hard!" he yelled. i walked up to him and whispered in his ear.

"you're the one who begged me to do you harder and faster~" i purred and he puncked me.

"sh-shut up!" he yelled stuttering and blushing.

"there's a ball tonight so i suggest you get ready. i already told Victor and Yuuri about it. and here, some pain killers." he nod and took the pain killers. he drank one tab and he got up.

"i'm going to take a shower." he said. before he can enter the bathroom, i slapped his bare ass as he yelped. he yelped and hit me on the head.

"stupid Ivan!" he yelled and ran to the bathroom. i heard a knock and opened the door. i saw Yuuri in his work clothes and he looked nervous.

"is there anything you want?" i asked.

"i was hoping you and Yuri can help me with something."

"Yurio is in the bathroom. and sure we can come inside." i said.

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