Pt.12 Vaughn And Aleksei

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okayyy guys so here it is...

the last



i do hope you enjoy it so anywaysss see ya at the end of the story!!!


Author-chan POV

we made our way towards the orphanage where the couples will adopt their kid. honestly, i could make it possible for Yuuri and Yuri to get pregnant but then again, this story is not under mpreg genre. so the orphanage it is. it's also kind of sweet because they get to help a kid who needs a warm place to call home.

as we made our way to the front door, we are greeted by an old lady maybe around her 60's.

"welcome to the Orphanage: Home for the Children in Need. i've been expecting you. please come inside." we all nod and went in.

"so, what's your plan?" the old lady asked.

"we like to adopt 2 boys." Victor said.

"oohh, do you all live together?" she asked again.

"yes we do." i said with a smile.

"then these kids will be for you. they don't have a name and they are still very young. i can handle the rest since they are almost grown. but with my age. i don't think i can take care of these two." she sighed sadly.

we made our way towards a room with black and white door. she opened it and in there, two angels sat playing together. one, a boy with raven hair like mine, and the other, a boy with blonde hair like Yuri.

"kids, these are your new parents." the old lady smiled. the two boys turned around and looked at us. the ravenette boy looked so happy and smiling with sparkles all around him. then there's the other boy. he looked annoyed but blushing and nod.

Victor picked up the ravenette and Ivan held out his hands for the blonde. the blonde looked away but grabbed his hands anyway.

"the blonde boy is a bit shy and gets easily embarassed." the old lady said.

"i-i do n-not!!" the blonde yelled. well looks like he will get along with Yuri.

"what about you dear?" the old lady looked at me.

"i'm not yet ready for this." i said laughing a bit.

"well, maybe you can practice." she said pointing at the couples. i nod and smiled. we made our way to the office to sign the papers.

"what will you name them?" she asked.

"this little guy will be named Vaughn." Victor said.

"and he will be named Aleksei." Ivan said. the old lady nod and handed them the papers to fill out. once all done, Ivan placed Aleksei on his shoulders and Victor carried Vaughn.

"hey Aleksei! it's nice that we still are going to be together!" Vaughn smiled. Aleksei blushed a bit and nod.

we made our way back to the palace and the looks on Vaughn and Aleksei's faces are priceless. their eyes wide and mouth agape. sparkles are filling their background.

"this is where we will be living?" Aleksei asked while holding onto his new father's head.

"yes. this is your new home." Ivan said.

"wow this is so beautiful." Vaughn said smiling.

"yes it is. you will be the prince of this palace." Victor said.

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