Pt.8 The Crown And The Rings

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okay mah brohas!!!! the title says it allll!!!!!!

enjoy ya little yaoi addicts!! (don't worry, i'm one of you)


previously on 'I Work For The Tsar'

  "sure why not." Ivan said. after their chat, Ivan went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the royals and Victor went to the throne room.


Victor POV

i... am... so... NERVOUS!!! this coming corrination is the day i'll propose to Yuuri and also the day that Ivan will propose to Yurio. i don't understand how Ivan can be so calm about it. so i called him and asked him to come to my room. i put on my best calm expression as i sat on my bed, waiting for Ivan.

he finally arrived and he looked calm as usual when he walked in. but as soon as he closed the door, he started freaking out.

"VICTOR!!! I'M SO NERVOUS!! WHAT IF YURIO SAYS NO?? WHAT IF IT WON'T GO AS PLANNED? WHAT IF-" Ivan didn't get to finish his sentence.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" i yelled at him. like wow, he's even more freaked out than me. i never seen him act like this before. normally when he's nervous he just fidget and play with his fingers. but this is something very different.

"okay. we need to stay calm. i'm also nervous. not because of the position i'm about to get but for proposing." i said calmly.

"you're right. we need to calm down." Ivan said.

"wait what about the rings?" i asked. his eyes went wide and now he started fidgeting. but before he could yell out his nervousness, i stopped him.

"just stay calm. let's go to town and find the suitable rings." i said holding his shoulder. he nod and we started preparing. Yuuri is currently doing his duties. since he got the day off yesterday, he's back is not as painful anymore. Yurio went to the frozen lake to skate. so perfect time to sneak away.

Ivan and i went to the door and before we could get out, i heard Yakov yell out my name. i groaned and turned around.

"where do you think are you two going?" he asked sternly.

"to town Master Yakov. Master Victor wishes to calm his nerves because he is very nervous for tomorrow. i shall accompany him as to ensure he doesn't do anything stupid." Ivan said and i just stared at him. like, how is he so good at making up excuses?

"is that so? well then, be sure to be back before dark." Yakov said.

"yes Master Yakov." Ivan answered as Yakov walked away.

"how can you do that?! every excuse that i make to escape, Yakov always knows i'm lying. and you make it seems so easy?" i asked in disbelief at Ivan as we walked down teh gravel path.

"oh Victor. you know i have a lot of experience in lying because mohter won't let me play with you when we were young." he said smiling. oh yeah, i forgot about that. we arrived at the gate and Ivan went to get the car that we'll be using. as he arrived, i jumped in and we drove off to town.

when we arrived, Ivan parked the car and i waited for him. i went inside this jewelry store who's famous for their costumized rings. we went in and was instantly greeted by the jeweler(?).

"what can i get you two sirs?" asked the Jeweler.

"wedding rings please. one colored white an ice blue." i said.

"and the other colored black and navy blue." said Ivan we were both smiling.

"aaaahhh i have the perfect ones for you two. your soon-to-be fiances will be very happy." the Jeweler said. he pulled out one smal black box and one small white box. i took the white box and opened it. my eyes widen. it's perfect for Yuuri (left). Ivan took the black box and opened it. his eyes also went wide and he smiled. i looked over and saw the ring (right).

we both looked at each other and smiled.

"how much for this?" i asked.

"and how much for this one?" Ivan asked.

"both of them are priced at R 938,280." the man said. wow. that's a lot but eehhh...

"okay. how about wedding rings? do you have some? the same colors please." Ivan said.

"oh yes. one pair is R 1,377,261." then he pulled out two pairs of wedding ring. one is white and blue, the other is black and blue (A/N: the wedding rings will be revealed at the wedding chapter).

both me and Ivan took the rings and we each payed R 2,315,541. Ivan is payed really well so he can also afford it.

"thank you for shopping at Forever and Always. your fiances will be very happy." the man said before we made our way back to the car. and made our way back to the palace. when we arrived it was almost time for dinner. we took so long to get back because we stopped at the Cake and Pastries shop.

we ordered two wedding cakes (will be revealed soon) and also made a stop at the Fashion is Art shop and bought a our tuxedos. so we sneaked into the palace, asking the guards to carry our stuff. we placed them all in a secret cabinet that we made when we were young. we went our separate ways and when i went back to my room, i saw Yuuri looking very worried.

"where have you been? i tried asking Master Yakov but he said he didn't even know you're gone! you had me worried." tears started building up in his eyes. i felt guilty and hugged him.

"i'm very sorry. me and Ivan just went to town to buy some things." i explained.

"and these things are?" he looked at me. i wiped his tears away.

"that's for you to know soon." i smiled and winked at him. he smiled and nod his head. i was a bit tired because of the trip we went so both of us got into bed. Yuuri in his pajamas and me in my boxers. i hugged him close and kissed his cheeks.

"good night, my angel."

"good night, my handsome prince." he replied and we went to sleep.


Ivan POV

i made my way to our shared bedroom with Yuri. when i entered, a shoe was thrown my way and an angry yell rang through my ears.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU IDIOT!!?? YOU HAD ME WORRIED!!!!" i looked over at Yuri while caressing the bump on my fore head.

"me and Victor just went out to buy some things." i said smiling.


"well you were busy skating and i didn't want to disturb you." i said as i made my way to him.

"STUPID IVAN!" he said. i hugged him and kissed his cheeks.

"don't worry kitten. i'm here now."

"next time please tell me where you're going." he said slowly and tears started building up his eyes. i smiled and kissed his tears away.

"okay. i promise to tell you next time." 

"what did you buy anyway?" he asked. i gulped a bit before answering.

"it's a secret. you'll find out soon." i said smiling.

"YOU WENT OUT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND NOW YOU SAY IT'S A SECRET!? YOU WANT ME TO HIT YOU AGAIN?!!" and he hit me anyway. i laughed and just kissed him to stop his fuming anger. he sighed and just went with it. i' already tired so i quickly remove my clothes down to my boxers and went to bed. Yuri also went to bed and hugged me. i smiled and hugged him back. we shared one last kiss and went to sleep.


wheeeewwwww and that's a wrap!!

there are always those two types of lovers right? the angry lover and the teary lover when you go out without permission.

anywaysssss see you next chapter.


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