Pt.3 Something Something

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okay before we continue to the next part, there are some clarifications that should be done.

translations. yup. the Russian texts on the previous chapter 1...

so here they are:

"who is it?" ; " what do you need?" ; "it's me, Ivan. someone is here for the helper job." ; "what is your name?" ; "he doesn't speak Russian."

sequence is the same.

so that's it. anyway back to the next part...


previously on 'I Work For The Tsar'  

"oohh he seems to fancy you Yuuri." he said before walking away completely. i blushed and shook my head. i followed Ivan to the ball room and we started to do our duties.  


Yuuri POV

i was still blushing because of what Ivan said about Victor fancying me. he's got to be joking. i mean yeah he occasionally attacks me but still, it's weird thinking about it. i saw Victor coming towards our direction with a bunch of ladies around him. he was smiling and laughing with them. i felt a pang of anger but i just shrugged it off.

"how are you two doing?" he asked looking at both me and Ivan.

"we are doing just fine master." answered Ivan.

"and what about you Yuuri? having a good time?" he asked looking at me.

"i am just doing fine master. you should get back to entertaining your guests." i said smiling. he looked at me and smirked. i blushed a bit but shrugged. he walked away with the ladies still around him. i scoffed a bit but i didn't notice until Ivan pointed it out.

"hmmm. are you jealous Yuuri?" Ivan said with a smirk. i blushed and shook my head.

"no. why would i be jealous?" but in reality, i am. i just sighed and went back to work while Ivan was laughing beside me. i punched his back and laughed. he fake cried but laughed it off.

"Ivan, i heard Victor say that you were his best friend." i said looking at Ivan.

"yes. we grew up together. we met when Victor went to the palace gardens to play. i was snooping around and he saw me. he called out to me and i thought he's going to tell the guards. then he said he wanted to be my friend since he is lonely inside the palace. we got to know each other and then we became best friends. we occasionally hang out and tell stories. and when he turned 18, he wanted me to come live with him. i refused to because of the difference in class. he came up with the idea of hiring me to become his butler and 3 years later here i am."

he finished telling his story and i stared in awe. i was kind of a bit jealous with their relationship. 

"what about you? what's your story?" he asked looking at me.

"well, i grew up in Japan mostly under my mom's care because dad is often away because of his job. mom built a hot spring resort hoping to make a little more money. the first few months have been rough but then the business started booming. i was always there to help out and when i turned 7, i saw a figure skater skate once and i wanted to try skating. my mom agreed to hire a coach and then i started skating. luckily there's a skating rink just a few minutes walk from our resort. that's where i practiced. i got the hang of it and just started figure skating. i could make that my carreer but i wanted to do something different so here i am." 

i finished telling my story and he smiled.

"well hopefully you'll also get hang of things around here. especially around Victor if you know what i mean." he grinned as i blushed.

"hmm sure whatever." i said crossing my arms. Ivan laughed and then we heard the trumpets blow. we all directed our attention to the front and listened to Master Yakov's announcement.

"tonight is the night that our future Tsar will be choosing his bride. so all you ladies prepare to meet him." the girls eruplted in murmurs and i was confused since he spoke in English instead of Russian. not that i'm complaining. the ladies lined up and i felt myself getting sleepy. Ivan noticed this and shook me.

"you can go take your rest. i can handle things from here." he said.

"are you sure?" i asked.

"yes yes. you travelled a long way so i suggest you go to you and Victor's room to rest." i swear i saw a slight smirk appear on his face but nonetheless accepted the offer. so i made my way to Victor's room and changed into my pajamas. i saw a couch next to the bed and thought maybe i'll sleep here because it's a bit disrespectful sleeping on the bed without Victor's permission. i flopped down on the couch and yawned as i felt myself succumb to slumber.


meanwhile at the ball room...

Victor POV

i glanced around trying to find Yuuri over the sea of these ladies but i only spotted Ivan. i started to get worried thinking something might have happened to him. i was about to make my way towards Ivan when i felt a heavy hand on m shoulder. i looked over and saw Yakov with a scowl.

"как ты думаешь куда ты идешь? садись и начинай искать невесту." he said. oh my god. i sighed in defeat and just sat down. lady after lady, i rejected them all. i can feel Yakov's ranging glare but i shrugged it off. finally, when everything was done, i stood up and made my way towards Ivan before Yakov could stop me.

"Ivan, where is Yuuri?" i asked.

"he went to sleep because he's tired. i told him that i can take charge." i felt relief wash over me and i smiled at him. he smiled back but i cannot shake the feeling that he just smirked at me.

"then can you please make sure that everything is cleaned up?"

"of course. now go see your precious angel." he said with a smirk. i blushed a bit.

"what did you say?" i asked

"nothing nothing. just go." he said. i shrugged it off and made my way towards my room. i opened it and saw Yuuri asleep on the couch. i laughed a bit and made my way towards him. i moved his hair out of his face to get a better view. he looks so innocent and vunerable. i smirked and leaned down. i gave him a kiss on his cheeks and carried him to my bed. i changed into my pajamas which was really just taking off my clothes down to my boxers. i snuggled up to him and he squirmed a bit but didn't wake up.

"спокойной ночи, мой ангел. " i whispered slowly and hugged him closer to me and i felt myself slowly dozing off to sleep.


and that's a wrap for today's chapter.

btw, translation are here:

"where do you think you're going? sit down and start choosing your bride." ; "good night my angel."

and that's all...

see ya in the next chapter...


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