P2. He's Not Who You Think He Is

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previously on 'I Work For The Tsar'

"UNACCEPTABLE THERE IS ONLY ON YURI HERE AND THAT'S ME!" this is the Yuri Plisetski they kept on talking about? oh my god.


Victor POV

hmm a worker from Japan? that will be interesting. he's kind of cute though. maybe i'll make him mine. but Yakov kept on forcing me to find a bride. doesn't he know that i am not staright? i have to talk to him about this. i made my way out of my room hoping to go to the throne room where Yakov might be and somewhere in the palace...

"UNACCEPTABLE THERE COULD ONLY BE ONE YURI AND THAT'S ME!"  Yuri yelled. i laughed a bit. so they already met. i followed his scream and came upon the hall where most of the guest rooms were. i saw them standing and laughed at Yuri. he was fuming and making a scene.

"Yuri, stop making a scene in front of our guest please." they all turned around and saw me. Yuri walked up to me with red face.

"TELL HIM THAT I AM THE ONLY YURI HERE!" he yelled. i cringed at the loudness of his voice.

"well apparently not. plus i don't think you both have the same spelling of name. since Yuuri is from Japan, there are two 'U's in his name while you only have one."

"i don't care about that! it's still the same pronunciation!" he yelled again. i sighed. that would be confusing.

"how about this your name when both of you are in the same room would be Yurio. that way it won't be confusing."

"... ... ... ...WHY IS MY NAME THE ONE THAT HAS TO CHANGE?! WHY NOT HIS!?" Yurio yelled. i just shrugged and went up to Ivan.

"you may go do your duties Ivan. i'll take it from here."

"of course master." i still feel weird whenever he calls me master. he's my best friend so he should be calling me by my name. but i guess since because of my position he has to call me master. i shrugged and went up to Yuuri. i put my arms around him and he flinched a bit.

"come. i'll show you to your room." i said as we both walked away living Yakov shaking his head and Yurio yelling about his name. well i did anyway as i dragged Yuuri because he seemed frozen. we made our way back to my room.

"i thought you'd be showing me my room." he asked. i smirked.

"this is your room. you'll be required to sleep with me since you are going to be my helper. i want you to stay close to me." i said. i saw him blush a bit and smirked even more. i lifyed his chin and pushed him against the wall.

"ooh what is this? is my little helper blushing?"

"i uuhhh... i- i'm not bl-blushing.. it- it's j-just a bit hot he- here!" he said stuttering a lot.

"ohh but it is almost winter. it's not hot." i chuckled as steam cam out of his face. i pulled away from him and grabbed his luggage.

"i'll put this away okay? seems like you can't properly function." his eyes went wide.

"uhmm, i'm suppose to be the one putting it away since i'm a helper."

"not when we're alone."


Yuuri POV

WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!!!!! oh my god. please tell me that this is just him teasing. and what did he mean by that last phrase. i can still feel the heat from my face. i have to admit he's kind of hot. NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD YUURI! HE IS YOUR MASTER!. okay that cam out wrong.

as i continued to fight with my brain i heard shuffling. i looked up to him and saw him removing his entire clothes. i turned around as quick as i can.

"Yuuri, please pass me my robe. it's on your left." i looked over my left and saw a blue silk robe. i grabbed it and walked towards him with my head still bowed.

"you can look you know. after all, you'll have to get used to it." i shook my head.

"just take your robe!" i yelled blushing.

"oohh feisty. thank you. you can use the shower. and get changed. here are your work clothes. i slowly looked up to him and saw he has his robe on. i sighed in relief and took the clothes from him. i went to the bathroom and did my things and changed into the clothes he gave me. 

the clothes look a lot like Ivan's outfit only mine is way more fitted. i looked at myself and saw that i have a feminine figure when wearing this clothes. oh my god. i was ready to walk out so i grabbed the door handle and went into the room. Victor saw me and just stared in awe. i felt my face heat up again.

"it suits you." he said with a smile.

"go find Ivan. he'll tell you your duties. unfortunately i can't tell you because i have to get ready for tonight." he said and sighed sadly. i bowed and went towards the door. but before i could open it, i felt his hands go around my waist.

"you look sexy." he whispered in my ear and pulled away. my face heat up and i quickly got out of the room. my heart was throbbing and going a hundred miles per minute. i shook my head and wen to look for Ivan.


Victor POV

wow. i am so lucky to have a sexy helper like Yuuri. and oh my god his but was juicy. i smiled and got ready for the ball. after doing my usual bath routine, i put on my clothes. i made sure to look nice because i know someone will be staring. i laughed a bit and went out of my room.

i can hear music playing which means it's almost starting. i wen to look for Yuuri and Ivan and saw them talking by the entrance. Yuuri laughed at something that Ivan said. i felt something boil in me. it's a weird feeling like i am angry and sad. they both looked so happy.

i walked up tp them and saw Yuuri turn to me and blushed. i wrapped my arms around his waist again and looked at Ivan.

"oh good evening master. the ball is already starting. we just stood her to greet the guest."

"Ivan how come you don't call me by my name anymore?"

"with all due respect master. i am but a servant and your are of higher position."

"okay enough with the formalities. if the it's only the three of us, call me by my name. and that is an order not a request." i said smiling.

"yes... Victor." he said and also smiled.

"VICTOR COME HERE AND GET READY!" i heard Yakov yell. i sighed and let go of Yuuri. a smiled at them and walked away.


Yuuri POV

he did it again?!! in front of Ivan!! i am so dead. i looked at Ivan and saw him smirking.

"oohh are you falling for Victor?" he said as he laughed.

"what?! no! i work for him!"

"sure whatever you say." he began to walk away.

"oohh he seems to fancy you Yuuri." he said before walking away completely. i blushed and shook my head. i followed Ivan to the ball room and we started to do our duties.


and that's a wrap for today's update.

to my friend who requested this story: i'll be updating two parts everyday so that you'll be able to sleep. hahahahahahaha.....

cliff hanger is real...


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