Dogs and Fleas

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The next morning Odell woke to early morning sun rays touching the side of his face through the large open windows facing east from his very spacious master bedroom.

What the fuck happened last night??

He was completely disoriented, uncertain how he ended up in his own bed.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

His phone alerts were dinging like crazy on the night stand. Apparently his name had gone viral overnight... again.

Is it already over for NYC's favorite hot couple? Spotted. Odell Beckham partying without rumored girlfriend Cassandra Williams last night. He appears to be getting very cozy with someone new. Who is the blonde, OBJ?

"Agh!" He groaned holding his throbbing head

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"Agh!" He groaned holding his throbbing head.  He was never trusting Ben's ass again.

He remembered being at the club and drinking more than his limit. And then somehow he ended up at Cassandra's townhouse again. Reflexively he smiled as a memory of her affectionately placing a blanket over him flashed through his mind. But after that everything else was a blur. At least he managed to somehow make it back to his own house.

Now his alarm blasted Drake's Best I've Ever Had next to his head. He groaned again. It was 6 am. Uggh. Time to start his day.

Rising up on his elbows, he felt the heaviness of an arm lying across his chest, a warm body pressed against his side, and a full head of thick curly hair snuggled under his arm pit. His first reaction was small hope that it was Cassandra. But then he immediately recognized the flowery scent of the familiar expensive lotion.


Despite knowing better than anyone just how unavailable her star wide receiver client was, Dez Ortega still continued to regularly fuck him, pretending like she did not hope for more than just casual sex. But casual sex was all Odell ever offered to her. And after two years, she was starting to believe that maybe casual sex was all he had to offer.

Odell was quite clear that their relationship was just a friendship and the sex was just sex. In return, Dez was quite clear that she understood. But then he would wake up to find her snuggled against him in the morning with a satisfied smile plastered across her beautiful face, and he knew she definitely wanted more. It was annoying... but at least she wasn't taking pictures of him in his sleep to post on the internet. And at the moment, she was the only woman who he trusted enough to let into his personal space without an ironclad NDA. Even though he loved sex... a whole hell of a lot, and freaky sex at that...  he had learned early on it wasn't worth the various potential headaches that came along with getting his dick serviced by the wrong chick.

He had stuck to this faithfully... well almost.  There was Italy. Oh and the chick he flew out to LA that one time. And look how that turned out.

He rolled his eyes and removed her arm from his chest. Shaking off the swimming discomfort in his head from too much alcohol, he pulled himself away so he could get up and get dressed.  This was becoming a lot more complicated than he hoped.

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