Chapter 17

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*Ashton's POV*

"Holy shit! Where the hell did you get that gun?!"

"I found it in the office. Should I not be using it?"

"You shouldn't even be holding it! Give me that!"

I watched from above as one of the security guys rushed over to the one who had a gun in his possession. They were pretty much arguing over the gun, tugging the item back and forth. The flashlight dropped onto the ground as the two fought.

I finally snapped out of watching them and quickly climbed up the rope.

When the gun went off it didn't aim at me. In fact, it wasn't even aiming up. The guy who was holding the gun was apparently trying to figure out how to work the gun and ended up shooting in front of him, almost hitting his buddy up front.

That flashlight that shined up at me? Yeah, the guy who pulled the trigger placed the flashlight between his side and arm and the light happened to be on me.

Are these guys blind idiots? Shooting a gun without a second thought and not seeing me despite the light being on me for a few seconds? Some security guys they are. How in the world did they even get the job in the first place?

Once I was back in the vent, I pulled the rope back up slow enough to not make too much movement, but quick enough so it didn't linger in the air too long.

I slipped my backpack off of my shoulders and zipped it open, looking at the gallon of milk.

All of this for chocolate milk. Why not?

I placed the grate back in its place and started untying the rope from the metal stick that stuck to the walls of the vent. I removed the stick after and then shoved those things into my backpack. Then I started moving out through the vents to find a way out.

While exploring the vents an hour or two ago I saw an opening to the back of Walmart. I just have to remember where I saw it.


I was finally out of that place and dressed in my Captain America shirt and black skinny jeans again. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to steal anything other than milk, but this gallon of milk is all that I need.

But honestly, I really thought I was done for. I was lucky that those idiot guards were on duty, or else I would definitely have gotten caught.

My thieving skills have been rusty lately. I need to concentrate and be less distracted, because one of these days I might actually get caught and thrown into a nasty jail cell filled with perverted men who feel the need to release their sexual frustrations on sexy, attractive guys like me. I refuse to be tainted by their gross hands. Only Luke can touch me.

Speaking of Luke, if I ever get caught, then I might never see him again. I wouldn't be able to see Michael, Calum, Cynthia, or even Fitzy again. Because what are the chances that they'll check that I'm in jail?

I should stop thinking of something like that. All I have to do is raise my concentration and steer away from anything that would distract me while I'm stealing.

I was still in a dark alleyway, checking through my backpack to make sure that I had all my things. Once I found that I had everything, I walked out of the place, trying not to look suspicious at all. No one was around, not even any cop cars or FBI vans, which meant that the idiot security guards didn't even suspect that anyone was in Walmart during closing hours except themselves.

I may have been lucky this time, because those two are dimwits, but things won't always be like that. The next time I hear a gunshot, I should expect the worst: me getting shot.

Since it was milk that I took, I decided that I'd head back to my apartment first, because I need to keep that beauty refrigerated. It'd be a shame if I went to 7-Eleven and the milk became spoiled and gross.

It was cold right now, and I was wearing a sleeveless shirt. I rubbed my arms with my hands, hoping to create some warmth for me. While I was walking I saw a cop car parked on the side of the street in front of a donut shop. Well, isn't that lovely? Police eating donuts at eleven at night instead of keeping an eye out of anything. Fatasses.

While I was walking, I bumped my shoulder into someone, quickly mumbling an apology. After that I just kept my eyes staring at the ground most of the time, occasionally glancing up to see where I was.

After a few minutes of walking, I opened the doors to the lobby of the apartment building. Cynthia was sitting behind the front desk with her feet on top of it. She was looking through her phone, not paying any attention to me. Well, I didn't want any attention from her at the moment. I need to get back to my apartment and put the milk into the refrigerator.

Once I got to the stairs, I sprinted up to my floor, unlocked the door to my apartment, and walked inside. I shut the door and immediately went straight to the kitchen. I placed my backpack on the ground and unzipped it, so I could pull the milk out. I placed the gallon of milk inside the refrigerator, and then shut it.

I started emptying my backpack and putting all of my stuff in the places where I usually keep them. Once everything was in its place, I walked over to the door with my almost empty backpack in my arms. I made sure that I had my keys, my wallet, and useless phone in there. Then I started making my way out of the apartment, so I could go to 7-Eleven and meet Luke again.

I locked my door and started heading down the stairs. I glanced over at the front desk and saw that Cynthia was still in the same position as before. Did she not notice me walk in? Is she talking to someone who's far more interesting than I am? There is no one more interesting than Ashton Irwin, come on.

I walked over to the front desk and rested my crossed arms on top of it. Her eyes never left the bright screen of her phone as she typed away. I cleared my throat and she finally looked up, practically throwing her phone onto an empty chair nearby.

"Ca-Can I help you, Irvin?" she asked, resting her head on her propped arm.

"Not at the moment, no," I nonchalantly replied. "I was just seeing what you were doing." My eyes wandered over to her phone that was facing down on the chair. "Who were you talking to before?"

"Just a friend. Not a guy, a girl."

"At this time of night?"

"So what if she's up now? You can't say anything, because you're heading out right now, aren't you?"

I thought for a moment before I nodded. "Touché. Anyway, where's your dad?"

"He's working on some stuff in the back."

"Tell Fitzy I said hi, will ya? I'll be back soon. Expect me back around, I don't know, sometime around twelve." I started walking off, but then Cynthia grabbed my wrist. I turned myself around to look at her. She actually gathered enough courage to hold me back instead of telling me to wait like she usually does. She quickly retracted her arm, facing away from me and her face turning a bit red.

"I-I think you borrowed something f-from my dad earlier," she spoke up. I tried to remember what I had borrowed from him.

Oh, right! The screwdriver! I almost forgot it was his. I must've put it in my cardboard box with my other belongings.

"Yeah, I borrowed a screwdriver. I'll give it back in the morning, okay? I really need to go somewhere right now." Cynthia muttered a quick okay and nodded while we said bye to each other. Then, I walked out of the building, heading over to 7-Eleven.

My heart was fluttering with every step I took and a smile crawled onto my face. I'm really looking forward to seeing Luke tonight, because after encountering him twice today, I think that this night will be different than the other nights in the past week.


AN: Do you guys really depict me as an evil person who would shoot Ashton when nothing happened yet? Geez, I'm not that evil. The most evil thing I'll ever do is leave you all on cliffhangers.

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