Chapter 21

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*Luke's POV*

"Wake up, Calum," I said to my best friend as I pushed him a little, but he just groaned in response, shifted around a little bit before going back to sleep. "God damn it, wake up!"

"Five more minutes," he grumbled.

"You said five more minutes five minutes ago. Get up!"

"What time is it?"

"It's nine."

He peeked an eye at me. "Why the hell are you awake?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because someone decided that it was a good idea to crush me in my sleep and I had no choice but to get out of bed!" Calum rolled onto his side so that his back was facing me.

"Whoever crushed you isn't crushing me." Oh, my God, Calum.

I pulled the pillow from underneath his head and slammed it down on him. "Wake up!"

"Okay, I'm up!" Calum exclaimed, bolting upright and taking the pillow and throwing it at me, but I managed to catch it. "God, you're so annoying in the morning."

"Only when you're here," I snapped. "Next time you're staying over you're sleeping on the ground." I glanced at my phone and picked it up, pressing the home button and seeing that I had a missed call from Pamela and a voicemail. "Go clean up. I need to listen to a voice message from Pamela."

"No, you don't," Calum grumbled and I rolled my eyes. Once he left the room I immediately started listening to the voicemail.

"Luke, hi," her angelic voice started to speak. "Something came up today and I can't spend today with you. I have to be somewhere else. I hope you understand and if you do, thank you. I love you. Bye."

When the voicemail ended I locked my phone and placed my phone down, sitting on my bed.

So I'm not spending today with Pamela. What am I going to do? I guess I can chill with Calum all day until he has to go to work. That is, if he still has to go to work after taking over my shift yesterday with Devin.

I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes a bit, waiting for Calum to come back from the bathroom.

Suddenly a weight was on top of me and forced the air out of me.

"You hypocrite!" Calum shouted, jabbing my stomach with his elbow.

"Calum! Get off!" I yelled, trying to force him off.

"You tell me to get up, but you decide to sleep!" After several attempts I finally rolled him off and he landed on the ground, a loud thump happening. I don't regret it, he deserved it for trying to make his elbow and my stomach become one.

"Pamela canceled on me, and now I've got nothing to do."

"Oh, that stinks. Hey, is it okay if I order pizza for breakfast? I'm craving some."

"Sure, whatever, but you're paying."

"Oh, about that... I already ordered the pizza from my phone and I used your debit card to pay." He pulled out my wallet from his back pocket and handed it to me. "Thanks for paying."


He spent twenty bucks on freaking pizza and he used my money, too.

I've been chasing Calum around the house for a good ten minutes, despite my brothers telling me to be quiet. Because Jack stormed out of his room and had to make me shut up by shoving me against a wall and messing up my hair, Calum had gotten away and was probably hiding somewhere in the house.

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