Chapter 16

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Tony's P.O.V.

   So [Y/N] is depressed and suicidal. Damn. I wonder if I can hep her. I know what she's going through. Would she believe me?

   "Stark!" Bucky called as he walked back into the room.

   "Yes?" I asked. He turned and shut the doors behind him.

   "We need to put [Y/N] into a secure holding cell." He told me. "24/7 surveillance on her until her mental state is stable. Can you like, get her on anti-depressants or something?" I looked at him.

   "You want me to put her in a holding cell?" I asked. "You mean like the ones we put Loki in? Doesn't she dread being put in a cell?" He nodded.

   "She does, but I will not take the risk of her harming herself. If she ever tries to..." He stopped. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Steve rested his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

   "You blame yourself for her mental state, don't you?" I asked. He looked away.

   "Just get her to a secure cell." Demanded Bucky. With that he walked out, slamming the door behind him. I watched him leave.

   "Nat?" I turned to her. "What would you say their relationship is?" She looked at the door Bucky had gone through.

   "I think he's protective of her. Maybe sees himself as a father figure. Feels responsible for her actions." Nat said, thinking carefully. I nodded.

   "She's a good kid," voiced Clint. "but it's clear she's gone through some serious trauma." Steve nodded.

   "Yeah. Before she goes on any missions we need to get her into a stable condition." He told us. "Jarvis. Get as much information on [Y/N] as you can."

   "Yes, Captain Rogers." Jarvis responded.

   "I'll take her to a holding cell." I told them. "Let's see if we can get Emma and Peter to spend some time with her. That might help." The others nodded in agreement. I opened the doors and walked out into the hallway. [Y/N] stood with her back to me. In front of her, Loki leaned against the wall.

   I didn't understand how she could even tolerate him. He was unbearable. Hell, he tried to take over New York and kill us on multiple occasions. They weren't saying anything. They just stood there. It didn't seem like an awkward silence, though. More like a comfortable one.

   "[Y/N." I began. "I'm going to take you to your new room now. Ok?" She nodded. Her eyes looked pained. She knew where I was bringing her. I felt guilty, but I still led her to the holding cell.

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