Chapter 25

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Nat's P.O.V.

   I poured myself a glass of wine and took a sip. I watched [Y/N] from the corner of my eyes. Her eyes were dilated and dull, looking ahead blankly. Her mental health had only declined since Loki disappeared. We could all see the change. I saw her finish off the bottle and set it on the counter before getting out another one.

   "Wine is better." I commented, taking another sip. Bucky threw me an annoyed look while [Y/N] just shrugged.

   "Why don't you try soda?" Emma suggested.

   "I can't get drunk on soda." [Y/N] grumbled.

   "Peter can." Emma pointed out with a giggle. Peter nodded. Then he fell from the ceiling.

   "She's right," he said after he had recovered himself, "I can." [Y/N] rolled her eyes. I sighed. She always had three modes when she was drunk. The first was that she was over excited and happy about everything. The second was that she was sarcastic and annoyed with everything. The third was always the worst. All of the guilt from everything she's done came crashing down on her. And somehow Loki leaving became her fault. She cycled through them everytime she got drunk. The best thing to do was get her to bed before she got to the last stage. I watched as she finished the second bottle and reached to get a third.

   "Alright, kid." I said, taking it from her. "I'm cutting you off and putting you to bed." She groaned but let me help her along to her room. "Steve! Your kid's drunk again!" I could hear his footsteps coming towards us. He rounded the corner and stopped in front of us. He looked at [Y/N] with that fatherly look in his eyes.

   "[Y/N]." He scolded. "We have talked about this." She rolled her eyes.

   "How else do you expect me to forget?" She asked, slurring her words. I looked at her in pity. Steve sighed and kissed her on top of her head.

   "I'm going to go get Tony. Can you get her settled?" I nodded and brought her into her room. I helped her get changed into her pajamas and set her on her bed. I sat down beside her with a brush and began brushing her hair.

   "I don't want you to think any of that stuff is your fault, ok?" She didn't nod. That meant she was crying. Even when she was drunk out of her mind she could respond to things. I knew her. I hugged her. "It's ok. It's ok." She turned and cried to me. I rubbed her back. "Shhh..." That's when Tony came in. He motioned for me to leave and took [Y/N] from me. I left the room in confidence that she was in good hands.

Tony's P.O.V.

   I carefully laid [Y/N] down on the bed. She gazed up at me. I sat down beside her and wiped off her tears.

   "Tony..." She whispered. "I'm sorry." I nodded.

   "Me too." I kissed her forehead and stood. "If you need any of yes, just yell." She nodded and snuggled under her blankets. "Sleep well." I whispered before leaving.

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