Chapter 28

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   I began to stir. I sat up and looked around. I was in my room. Had that really all been a dream? That would have explained the voice that was echoing in my head. I stood up. I was in my clothes. But then again, I was drunk last night. I doubt I couldn't have gotten myself changed. I shrugged. I pulled open the door and left the room. Peter dropped onto my back as I was walking. I chuckled.

   "Hey Pete." I greeted. "What's poppin'?" He rested his head on top of mine and let out a long, over exaggerated sigh.

   "Not much, I guess..." He mumbled. "Just heard a wild story about you this morning." I paused for a moment but then kept walking and I chuckled.

   "Oh really?" I questioned. "And what exactly was this so called story." Peter had a long history of pulling pranks on me.

   "You'll see." He said with a chuckled. "You'll see..." I rolled me eyes.

   "Whatever Pete." I said. We were almost at the foyer when Peter covered my eyes. "Hey! What are you doing?" I heard footsteps approaching and froze.

   "Kid, it's just me." Came Tony's voice. I let out a sigh of relief. I felt him take my hand. "We're going to the foyer, ok?" I nodded. He began to lead me there. I had been able to memorize the tower. I knew where we were heading.

   "So why is Peter covering my eyes?" I heard them whisper something but I couldn't make out what it was.

   "No reason." Said Tony simply. I began to feel uneasy.

   "Did I do something wrong last night?" I heard Tony chuckled.

   "Aside from getting drunk off your ass, no." He told me. I nodded slowly. I took the step down. We were they. I was actually quite nervous. I could have done a number of things last night that Tony wouldn't have told me about. We stopped. I was at the edge of the foyer.

  "Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?!" I asked, raising my voice. That happened when I got anxious. "Peter. When you gonna uncover my eyes?" He mumbled something to someone. Then Tony's voice sounded.

   "[Y/N]..." He began, "Are you sure you're ready?" I could practically feel the confusion flush onto my face.

   "Ready?" I questioned. "Ready for what? I mean, yeah. I guess I'm ready." He sighed.

   "Go ahead Pete." Instructed Tony. Peter slowly pulled his hands away. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light. Then I saw it. My heart stopped, my breathing hitched, I gasped, and my hands flew over my mouth. On the other side of the room, stood Loki.

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