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Sorry I posted a little late, I had Girl Scouts today and I took a shower

Teagan's Pov

I never really realized how much I needed Colby at this point in my life until now.

As soon as I heard his car drive off I had this heavy feeling on my chest and it worried me a little. I guess he who shall not be named really did break me to some extent.

But I'm not going to talk about how much I miss him. I need to be independent. I don't need no mans. God why do I do this to myself.

Well anyways, Brennen, Will, and I are all sitting on the couch talking about random stuff in life. Some of the topics are the most random, and that's what I love about these guys.

One of the topics that we got into was what we wanted in our future. Mine will hopefully include Colby.

"I want to have 1 kid when I'm older. I don't care what gender it would be, just a healthy baby," Will says. I nod my head in understandment. I would like to have 2-3 kids. Genders also really don't matter. And hopefully Colby would be the dad.

"What do you want Brennen? You have been quite quiet since we started this subject." I asked him. And it's true, Brennen has been quiet and it's not really like him to be.

"N-nothing is wrong. Just over thinking everything that could happen. What about you, Teagan, you haven't really said anything either? Do you want a future with Colby?" I thought about his words. Having a future with Colby could bring so many possibilities to my life. But it could also bring some bad things.

After a few more moments of thinking, I answered. "Of course I want a future with Colby, with Will's acceptance of course. I guess I'm just thinking about if I get pregnant. Will he stay or go? That's my main concern."

Both Will and Brennen glanced at each other and then back to me. They kept looking at me and not saying anything. Finally, Will broke the silence. "You're not pregnant right? Cause if so, Colby will get a beating for not wrapping it."

I was completely appalled at what he said. My jaw dropped to the floor and I looked at him dumbfounded. Did he really just say that? My older brother is telling me that if I got pregnant, he would beat Colby up for not wrapping it. I would've thought he would be mad at us for having sex at all to be honest.

"Oh don't look surprised. I know you two have done it. Just please, tell him to wrap it. I don't want a niece or nephew just yet." He said stating to my shocked face. Brennen was trying to hold in his laughter but completely failed.

"Y-you should've s-seen you're face." He said in between laughs. I rolled my eyes before feeling my face heat up. "Aww wook at wittle Teagan. She is bwushing." He stated in a baby voice after not laughing anymore. I rolled my eyes again before looking to Will.

"Do you have any special women in your life? If so, you would tell me right?" I challenged him. Will just looked away and shook his head no. I got a little suspicious that he looked away so I asked another question. "You would tell me if you were gay, right?" At that he tensed up a little.

"Y-yeah, of course Teagan. B-but I'm not." Will stuttered. I narrowed my eyes at him, not believing his lie at all.

You see, Will always did this thing where his lower lip would quiver when he was lying. And guess what? His lower lip is quivering.

"Lier. You're lie-" I was cut off by Will. "Ok! Yes I'm gay. I just didn't think that you would accept it so I kept it hidden. But as Brennen and I know, no lie can get passed you."

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