Chapter 3 - why i drowned

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"Annie, did you really need to break up with him like that ?"
I stayed silent.

"I thought you love him, and he does too, believe me, really-"
I cut him off.

"You are one of my best friends. And it's sweet, you try to help him. And me."
I tried to stay calm, but I failed.
My heart started racing.

I continued to whisper.
"But - just because two people love each other, doesn't mean it will always work out."

A tear started rolling down my cheek.
"Especially when one kisses another girl."
With that i hang up.

I closed the door behind me and run up the stairs.
I walked up to my closet, searching.
For all the hoodies he gave me, full of his scent. They needed to get away.

There would be no chance we get back together.

He didn't even try to say sorry.

Did he think it's not necessary ?

How, how could he do that to me, how could he kiss her, how could he act like nothing happened ?

He was the one I let in, he was the one I loved, he was the one who promised to stay.
But he left.

I breathed heavily, leaning against my wall, holding his hoddie tight.

My thoughts circled around him, only about him while inhaling his scent.

You can do this, breath in, breath out.
Tears were running down my cheeks, warm and salty.

This hadn't happen in months.
Because he was there.
Just because I was with him.
And now this happens because of him.
Funny, right ?

I slided down the wall slowly, letting go of the hoodie, the scent.
Letting go of him.

No I couldn't do this. No I couldn't.

I started sobbing and breathing heavily again,
and I couldn't stop.
I closed my eyes slowly.

I felt hands grabbing my shoulders and lifting me up to my bed.


I smiled at her.

"Oh Annie, what's wrong ?"
I gulped. The tears came up again.

"I - I broke up with him"

"You - you really did ? I should have guessed it, the hoodies, your tears, the kiss"
She looked worried and tied me in a hug.

"You wanna talk about it ?"

"I don't know, maybe ?"
Then I blurted out.

"I'm drowning without him I really am. I'm drowning because of him.
He was everything for me, I trusted him, I love him. Am I just not enough for him ? These questions pop up in my head and it makes me panicking over everything, i don't know what he is doing to me" My voice cracked.

"Please, please don't say something like that okay ? He is a jerk, we don't need him, and you don't need him to be happy. You won't be drowning without him okay ? You just need time to let go. We got this okay ?"
She squeezed me closer to her.

"So for now, we are eating ice cream and I got you burgers and fries, and we are watching every romantic and funny movie we can find okay ?" I chuckled at her.

"See, we are better of alone. Fries before guys"
She laughed and grabbed some.

I grabbed the zapper and turned "To all the boys I've loved before" on.
She rolled her eyes at me.

"Really ? That one ?"
I threw a pillow at her.

I mean I'm obsessed with this movie, why don't watch it for the 100th time ?

[that's my mood atm, and I don't know why I am still this obsessed haha]

Jayden left.

I can't even describe how many tissue boxes are laying empty next to my bed.
My eyes were puffy and red, my hair was a mess, and my head pounded.
I'm a mess.
I'm a mess without Johnny.

I couldn't erase the picture of him kissing her and the thoughts of them cuddling in his bed like we did, from my head.

These thoughts are drowning me.

Anns <33
   I'm drowning without you.
unsent, 3 hours before

Am I better off without you ?
unsent, 2 hours before

Fuck, John, what did you do to me ?
unsent, 1 hour before

Okay, I'll stop caring.
You already did, probably .
unsent, now

Bye John
sent, now



So I'm actually proud of this chapter !!
I had it all done, but I hated it so I restarted and I love it :))

So I hope y'all like it too !!
The next chapters will all be less than 1000 words I think, so there will be more chapters for you to read.

Annnd the next chapter will be up hopefully in a few days but I'm stressed out because of school, ugh I hate this 😑


And this hit 60 reads, AHHH for me that's insane, ily !!!
I never thought someone would read this <333

See you soon babes!!
Kisses, Kathi <33

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