Chapter 10 - we should

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We met up nearly everyday last week. Not even on purpose, at least not from my point.
Or maybe yes.
He was just there to pick me up everyday.
To the movies, the burger place or our café.
It was good and it felt even better than I thought. I had missed this, to be honest.
We became closer again, and I didn't know if I like it or not.
Sometimes he grabbed my hand or tucked hair behind my ear.
And sometimes while talking I got lost in my thoughts and he in my eyes.
It felt good, it felt so good.
But I knew it was wrong.
I swore I never fall again, but this don't even feel like falling.
And I knew this time, I would fall harder, deeper than ever before.
And I needed to protect myself from hurt like that. Something between us wouldn't work, and I never wanted to feel like he had made me feeling again. Never in my whole, entire life.

So John, please don't say you love me, cause I might not say it back.

You guessed it, John picked me up for movies again.
But this time, with our friends.

As we arrived, I ran up to Jayden and Brynn while he walked up to Carson behind me.

"I missed you guys so so much !"

The laughed at my excitement but quickly pulled me into a warm hug.

"We missed you too. And we told you we wanted to come over but you were busy!!"
Brynn winked at Jayden, my face turned red.

"Okay, let's go"
I quickly turned around, trying to change the subject.
As we were about to sit down, I jumped up again.

"No, stop guys, I need snacks"
I tried to whisper shout, but it clearly failed as some girls turned around to us.

John laughed at me and pulled me with him out of the theater.
"I'll get you some"

"So what do you want?"
I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"I don't know"

He turned around and this time his emerald green eyes hit me.
I couldn't do anything, got lost in them like in a deep ocean, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get back up again.

At this point i knew he would lean in.
I did nothing against it.
I wanted to get kissed so badly, I wanted to get remembered at the taste of his soft, rose lips.
And again I reminded myself It would probably be wrong.

His lips touched mine lightly.
They tasted like strawberries, something that i loved so incredibly much about him.
I slowly started to kiss back.
As he realized I did, he smashed his on mine passionately, I could feel how much he had missed me, I could feel how sorry he was, just in one simply kiss.
Our lips connected and moved in syncron.
It felt like a missing piece of mine returned, I felt completed.
It was wrong to feel that way.
But the sparks in my stomach exploded, and
I never wanted to stop. Ever. Again.
I couldn't help but smile trough the kiss.

"We should probably get back inside"
He smirked as he whispered into my ear.
I laughed lightly.

He grabbed my hand as we sneaked into the dark room and sat down next to each other.

"Where are the snacks ?"
Carson slowly turned around to John.
That's all he said and he squeezed my hand while a big smile grew over his face, trying not to laugh.

"So what did you two do there ? I mean, we didn't get snacks"
Brynn and Jayden laughed while looking at me, winking.
"We-kind of kissed"
I mumbled under my breath, but they could still hear it. Maybe that's what I wanted.

"You - what ?" "O my god, what ?"
They gasped, leaving their moths open.

"I don't know it just happened ?"
It was more of a question than a statement.

"So what's that thing between you ?"
"We are friends, with feelings ? Or something like that...I don't know actually"
I smiled weakly.

"You two should definitely talk."
I nodded.

Yeah, we should.


Short chapter, sorry guys.

I have like 3 tests the next weeks, and I already know I will have no motivation to study, so please pray for me I don't wanna fail all this :(

We are at 500 reads, thank you so so so much, I honestly don't know how i can thank you guys, ily so much ! <333


See you soon babes !!
Kisses, Kathi

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