Chapter 9 - maybe

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I sat up in my bed, sweating, my heart racing fast. A thousand thoughts running trough my brain.
It was impossible, I couldn't sleep without thinking about every part of me worrying if it was right to say "okay".
If it was a mistake or not.
And it made me crazy knowing I worried to much again. And I made it important.
It wasn't, or at least it shouldn't be.

The last thing I expected was my phone buzzing. It was 3 in the morning.
I slowly grabbed it from my bedside.

U awake ?
sent, 3.02 am

sent, 03.04 am

It scared the hell out of me when it rang.
I gasped closing my eyes before slowly picking up.

"Hey, Uhm- I know it's a little bit late but I can't sleep. And you obviously feel the same, so maybe you wanna do something ?"

"John, it's 3am what the hell you wanna do now ?"

"I'm bored...and hungry. So I'll pick you up in 5 and bring you to the ice cream shop"

He didn't even let me answer, and I could feel his smirk trough the phone while talking.

"Okay, be ready"

After taking a warm hoddie from the closet, i slipped into my vans and took my phone with me outside.
He already waited and smiled as I got into the passenger seat.

He chuckled as I nearly drifted to sleep again.

"Not. Funny."
I glared at him as his cheeks turned red from trying to stop laughing.

"I was practically asleep when you called me"

I was even surprised why actually i said yes.
Technically I didn't, but went outside.
I could've just driften back to sleep again.
Only yesterday we talked for the first time in weeks. And for me it wasn't easy to accept his apology. We said we would stay friends, or something like that, but it wasn't my intention to hang out again. Or making adventures at 3am. It was a little bit weird if you think about it. He is my ex.

"No ! Stop it, not in my face, and don't you dare to tickle me again."
A small smile was plastered over my face.

"I'm sorry but it's a little bit too late for that"

"I didn't get my ass out of my warm, comfy bed to have ice cream all over my face !!"
I protested while he tried to hide his laugh, which by the way failed hard.

I was tired but awake at the same time, I mean it was past 4am and i needed my sleep.

I continued eating my ice cream while trying to keep my eyes open.

You know the feeling when you think somebody's looking at you ? But you don't know if it's real or if the person is looking at someone next to you ?
I felt his eyes on me, I mean you actually notice someone staring after 3 seconds. I didn't dare to move, I just continued what I was doing.

Nothing changed after a couple of minutes and no lies, it was very awkward for me. I slowly looked up at his green eyes.
He turned red and tried to hide it in his ice cream. Or better saying while looking at it, hoping i didn't notice anything.

I laughed and he slowly looked up again.

"Sorry i didn't meant to-"

"It's okay, really - I"

We both broke out in laughing until my belly hurt and some happy tears slowly made their way down my face.
He smiled at me, i whiped  away the salty stain.

"I doesn't have to be awkward between us right ? I mean, we're something like friends, eating ice cream at 4am"
I nodded while smiling.

He was right. There was nothing to worry about. For the first time I should just let everything go it's own way and enjoy life.
Without thinking.

I didn't notice how I got into the car, I just woke up there, realizing I'm near my home.
Told you, i tried to keep my eyes open, never said it would actually work.

"Good morning, sleepy head"
He smirked as he noticed me waking up.

"I'm so sorry, I'm just so tired i couldn't sleep the last nights, the nightmares-"

I stopped as I remembered he wasn't my boyfriend. He wasn't the one I told everything about my life. He was just a friend, I shouldn't tell him stuff like that. That's saved for Jayden, Brynn and maybe Hayden.
I heard absolutely nothing about or from him since this party.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me"
I slowly nodded.

"Just one question.
Maybe you don't wanna talk about it, but do you know something about Hayden ? I heard nothing from him, so I thought"

"No. We had a fight because of that...kiss. I don't think we're friends at the moment. I-i clearly overreacted but he never texts or calls me back"

I nodded understanding.

He pulled up at my driveway, and I slowly got up.

"Thanks for killing some time with me. It was always. I guess mornings are kind of our thing"
He smirked, but I could see sadness in his eyes.

He smiled while I said that.

Yeah, maybe.


Not the best but I tried...

Side note: they had some dates in the morning and often called each other when they couldn't sleep (in their relationship), and i don't know it's just like they always met in the morning and stuff like that so it is kind of their thing.
So just that you understand what the end means, but I'm too lazy to write that in the story maybe tomorrow when I'm editing this.

I have dance class the whole day tomorrow, and I already know how hard this will be ,


See you soon babes!!
Kisses, Kathi

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