Chapter 7 - why i dont want you back

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I wasn't the only one to be shook about what has happened.
After that situation I drove home.
And as soon as I got there, Brynn and Jayden called.

"Woah, what was that ?"
"I didn't know you two had something going on! Have you feelings for him ?"

I sighted slightly annoyed and disappointed from what they thought about me.
I hadn't even been without John for 3 weeks, and they expected something like this ?
Oh, I thought they know me better.

"Really guys ? That's what you think of me ?"

"Don't get mad, please ! We just saw you and it looked, like - i don't know, just please explain me why you two did what you did when you don't even like each other !!"
Brynn seemed confused.

"It's just- I don't know"

Tears formed in my eyes, my view started to get blurry.

Not even 10 minutes later, the girls walked into my room and flopped down on my bed next to me.

The party obviously wasn't that interesting anymore, probably because of that little scene we made.

"Hey ! What's wrong, you know you can talk to us"

Jayden took my hand while Brynn dragged me in a comforting hug.

"I thought I would get over him. I knew it wouldn't happen in a week, but I broke up with him nearly a month ago. He hurt me so much, and i am still hung up on him. How ? It's not even fair, he has this new life with new friends and already somebody new he loves. And I-I am kissing my best friends so I don't slap him."

I chuckled at myself.
Normally I'm not like that, not even a bit.
I hide in my corner and come out when I'm fine again, I don't try to show my feelings.
But since Johnny - everything is different.

"No matter how much he had hurt me, I would probably choose him over and over again.
I felt so low, so worthless when he replaced me. But I have never stopped to wish him beside me. Never. My thoughts are about him. And every time I trap myself by that, I am mad, because he is not here. Because he moved on and is with her. And I realized that, when I saw him again."

Jayden and Brynn's smile had grown bigger and bigger on their faces.
While down my face, the tears run down again. It's always the same with me, i know, i know. It's slightly getting annoying, even to me.

"Why are you smiling like that ?"
They looked at each other, smirking.

"Annie, you love him"
"Yeah. You really do. You can hear it in the way you talk about him."

I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Do you really think I do ?
He hurt me so bad, I should be over all these butterflies"

"It's okay not to be. If it's love, it's even good that you're not over him. Or the butterflies."

"Then now, why do you even wait ?
Come on, let's go, talk to him"

"Why should I he is-"

Brynn cut me off, already knowing what I wanted to say for the thousandth time.

"He is NOT over you ! And he probably will never be, because you love and deserve each other. So please make this work"

"Did he tell you this ?"

"No, but I can see it-"

"No you can't. So please stop. Maybe I should really go out with someone other or something like that. And we won't discuss this anymore !"

They looked confused at each other, while I tried to ignore them by walking into my bathroom to finally wipe away the rest of my makeup.

I could hear them whispering, but I really don't want to talk about all this anymore.
It's over, even if we love each and deserve each other, like in those romantic movies.
And we all know, that's not how life works.
Even if we all wish sometimes.

Brynn and Jayden decided to stay over the night. They still were asleep when I walked down to make some breakfast.
Thats our little tradition.
The first to wake up makes our favorites, chocolate chip pancakes.

I couldn't sleep nearly the whole night.
And I realized something.
I love him. I really do.
But I don't wanted him.
I don't want to get back with him.
Because I could never trust him, and I would always be scared to lose him to someone.

I'm jealous because we startet off as "just friends" too. He could easily replace me.

And that's why I don't want you back.
Or at least I couldn't get back to you.


So this is kinda short, but idc.
And it's a filler chapter so...
And I really hope you enjoy reading my story so far.

We are at nearly 300 reads, I'm overwhelmed!
Thanks to every single one, and you two girls who vote and comment, ily !! <33
(I think you know who you are <3)


See you soon babes!!
Kisses, Kathi

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