Chapter 12 - i can't

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I talked to him. I really did.

I didn't tell him I like him.
I didn't tell him I need him.
And I didn't tell him I want him.
I only told him I couldn't.

"Anns. That's not all. You can't tell me you cried because you can't trust me. And you can't tell me you were this silent and sad the last hours, because it was not working before."
He stopped while trying to look at my eyes, but I just looked down. He continued to whisper.
"What happened ? What happened that you feel like this ?  What happened to you ?
I kissed you, and it felt so good. You can't deny the chemistry and the feelings spreading.
I- I could literally feel our hearts beating together, what the hell happened ?"
He looked so sad, so confused and so so disappointed.

"I-I'm sorry."

"That's all ? That's really all you gonna say?"
He chuckled sarcastically, while still trying so hard to look at my eyes. He was sad and slowly getting angry, i could feel it.
I took a deep breath.

"Don't you have a girlfr-"


I didn't even want to hear what he would say. Even tho i wanted to, i really wanted. I wanted to believe and trust him so bad.
He tried to grab my hand, but I flinched back at the touch of his hand.

"Sorry, i can't"

And again I ran away, as usual.
I heard him calling my name.
But he didn't run after me.
And he didn't try to stop me.

I messed up badly. This time it was my fault, I knew it, and it felt terrible.
Everything repeated itself over and over.
It was getting tiring.
Why can't I just have my happy ending ?

I could talk to hundreds of people a day, but it wouldn't help me if nobody but you makes me smile, right ?
I miss you John. I miss you.


Crappy, and wayyy to short chapter I'm so sorry, but it's just a filler !!


Proud because I studied so much for my tests this week and wrote many chapters !!

And annoyed because I have an argument with this guy I used to like and he is acting so bitchy like stop, love that for me 🙄🙄

See you soon babes !!
Kisses, Kathi

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